Saturday locales : Thompson Park, Island Beach State Park, Manahawkin NWR
Sunday Edward G.Forsythe NWR "Brigatine"
Note : All photos taken by Bobbi Manian
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After the dusty drive around Brigatine impoundments, Peter's car had wit. |
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Sunday's leader Rick Wright flanked by Mimi,Edith, Karen, Bobbi and Sandy |
Bird species list= 103 species
Legend : T=Thompson Park, IBSP=Island Beach, M=Manahawkin, B=Brigatine, Var=Various, none=somewhere
date = Sept 7th-8th
site =
Saturday locales : Thompson Park, Island Beach State Park, Manahawkin NWR
Sunday : Edward G.Forsythe NWR "Brigatine"
observers = Brooklyn Bird Club
(in not correct taxonomic order)
Brown Pelican 9 IBSP Royal Tern IBSP Pied-billed Grebe M Double-crested Cormorant Snowy Egret Little Blue Heron B Green Heron Great Egret Great Blue Heron VAR Glossy Ibis M & B Turkey Vulture Northern Shoveler B Blue-winged Teal B American Black Duck Canada Goose Wood Duck 2B Green-winged Teal B Northern Pintail B Mute Swan Mallard Red-tailed Hawk M Osprey Var accipitae species at B Northern Harrier Var Peregrine Falcon M Merlin M Clapper Rail heard at B American Golden-Plover B Black-bellied Plover Semipalmated Plover American Oystercatcher Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper 3B Least Sandpiper Short-billed Dowitcher B Long-billed Dowitcher juvB Lesser Yellowlegs Spotted Sandpiper Willet B Solitary Sandpiper B Hudsonian Godwit 2B Ruddy Turnstone B Greater Yellowlegs Gull-billed Tern B Laughing Gull Great Black-backed Gull Caspian Tern B & IBSP Forster's Tern Var Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Rock Pigeon Mourning Dove Chimney Swift Ruby-throated Hummingbird IBSP & B (2) Belted Kingfisher IBSP & B Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker B Red-bellied Woodpecker Northern Flicker Great Crested Flycatcher B Eastern Phoebe B Red-eyed Vireo American Crow Blue Jay Fish Crow Bank Swallow B Tree Swallow Var Barn Swallow Var Tufted Titmouse B Carolina Chickadee White-breasted Nuthatch T,B Carolina Wren T, B Marsh Wren heard at B Blue-gray Gnatcatcher B American Robin Eastern Bluebird B
Gray Catbird
Brown Thrasher B
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
American Redstart IBSP, B, T
Black-throated Green Warbler B
Common Yellowthroat T, B
Palm Warbler B
Nashville Warbler T
Magnolia Warbler B Pine Warbler B Northern Waterthrush B Chipping Sparrow B Song Sparrow Seaside Sparrow M Clay-colored Sparrow B Eastern Towhee IBSP Northern Cardinal Baltimore Oriole T Boat-tailed Grackle M, B Bobolink 15 B Red-winged Blackbird B Common Grackle House Finch American Goldfinch B House Sparrow
Note- 16 species shorebirds
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Azalea Caterpillar Moth , crossing Brigatine woods road. ( Thanks to Steve Nanz Id help)
Ocean County Butterfly checklist |