Closter Dock Nature Center, Stateline Outlook Hawkwatch, Demarest Nature Center
Species list
( Thanks to Lenore Swenson compiling)
BBC trip 9/28/13 to Northern Meadowlands, NJ (Closter Nature Center, State Line
Lookout, Demarest Nature Center)
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The famous Cooper's Hawk that chased the Kingfisher, "getting a breather" by the Moon, photo by Jerry Layton |
Dramatic highlight: Flying Belted Kingfisher taunting /scolding a perched Cooper's Hawk at Closter Dock Pond; the hawk jumped off and chased the Kingfisher six times but did not succeed in catching the slow flying Kingfisher around the large pond.Chalk one up for the Kingfisher for a "National Geographic moment "
Canada Goose- Closter Wood Duck-Closter Mallard- Closter Great Blue Heron-Closter Black Vulture Turkey Vulture Osprey Bald Eagle Sharp-shinned Hawk-Closter Cooper's Hawk-Closter Broad-winged Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Great Black-backed Gull Rock Pigeon Mourning Dove-Closter Yellow-billed Cuckoo (heard) Belted Kingfisher ("Oscar" winning performance) -Closter Red-bellied Woodpecker- Closter Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-Closter Downy Woodpecker-Closter Hairy Woodpecker Northern Flicker-Closter Peregrine Falcon Eastern Wood-Pewee-Closter Empidonax sp. Eastern Phoebe-Closter Blue-headed Vireo Warbling Vireo-Closter Red-eyed Vireo-Closter Blue Jay-Closter American Crow-Closter Black-capped Chickadee-Closter Tufted Titmouse-Closter White-breasted Nuthatch-Closter Carolina Wren (heard)-Closter House Wren-Closter Golden-crowned Kinglet-Closter Ruby-crowned Kinglet-Closter Gray-cheeked Thrush-Closter American Robin-Closter Gray Catbird-Closter Northern Mockingbird European Starling Cedar Waxwing (heard)-Closter Black-and-White Warbler-Closter Common Yellowthroat-Closter American Redstart-Closter Northern Parula-Closter Chestnut-sided Warbler-Closter Blackpoll Warbler-Closter Black-throated Blue Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler-Closter Black-throated Green Warbler-Closter Swamp Sparrow Northern Cardinal-Closter Rose-breasted Grosbeak (heard)-Closter American Goldfinch (heard)- Closter House Sparrow-Closter 60 speciesTracks - Wild Turkey Closter (Tracks - Great Blue Heron) Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Chipmunk White-tailed Deer Dead - Eastern Mole (2) Tracks - Northern Raccoon Odor - Striped Skunk Cabbage White Eastern-tailed Blue Mourning Cloak Monarch Dragonfly sp. Stink Bug Yellowjacket
5 Lined Skink at State Line Hawkwatch wall, photo by Jerry Layton
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"Rock Nest Birder" Jerry at Closter Dock Nature Preserve |