Note from Bobbi Manian
Hi Peter,
we had an awesome time on Sandy's walk today. Klemens and Kathy, our two expert rail finders attended and Chellie is back visiting for a week from TN and joined as well.
It's likely Sandy or Chellie got better pictures of the Vesper than i did, but here's my best shot.
Sandy sending list under separate cover.
Vesper Sparrow at Sparrowbowl, photo by Bobbi Manian |
BBC Walk list ( compiled by Sandy Paci)
We had a very successful walk today in Prospect Park with a group of about ten birders besides myself. We started the day with the contributing Sora at the lake near the Wellhouse shortly after 7am and ended with a first of season Vesper Sparrow at around 2:30pm in the Long Meadow. The birding was a little slow at times but through patience and persistence, and thanks to some skilled eyes and ears, we eventually netted 68 species including 12 warblers. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did!
Special thanks also to our sacrificial birders who left early and did not get the Vesper Sparrow. Those of us who remained appreciate it!
Hope to see everyone again soon,
Sandy Paci
68 speciesCanada GooseMute SwanWood Duck (11 by my count - 3, 5 & 3 in the pools)MallardNorthern ShovelerRuddy DuckPied Billed GrebeGreat Blue HeronGreat EgretGreen HeronDouble Crested Cormorant
Accipiter sps (probable Sharp Shinned)Red Tailed Hawk (H)Anerican Kestrel
SORA (continuing bird)Ring billed GullSpotted SandpiperHerring Gull
Eastern Wood PeeweeRock PigeonMourning DoveChimney SwiftBelted KingfisherRed Bellied WoodpeckerYellow Bellied SapsuckerDowny WoodpeckerNorthern FlickerEastern Phoebe
White Eyed VireoRed Eyed VireoBlue JayBlack Capped ChickadeeTufted TitmouseWhite Breasted Nuthatch (H)Carolina WrenRuby Crowned KingletGolden Crowned KingletAmerican RobinSwainsons ThrushHermit ThrushWood ThrushGray CatbirdCedar Waxwing (H)European StarlingNorthern ParulaMagnolia WarblerBlack Throated Blue WarblerYellow Rumped WarblerBlack Throated Green WarblerPalm WarblerPine WarblerBlackpoll WarblerBlack and White WarblerAmerican RedstartOvenbirdCommon YellowthroatScarlet TanagerEastern TowheeVESPER SPARROW (on Long Meadow between Sparrow Bowl and Ravine. Originally spotted near the fenced in, newly seeded area. Then flew to large tree in front of the Picnic House)Savannah SparrowSwamp Sparrow
Song SparrowWhite Throated SparrowNorthern CardinalCommon GrackleRed Winged BlackbirdAmerican Goldfinch (H)House Sparrow