Monday, January 20, 2014

Walkill National Wildlife Refuge Jan 18th

Leader Rob Bate:

Robert Bate posted on Brooklyn Bird Club's timeline

"Our intrepid crew of 4 BBC birders braved a morning snowy drive up to Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge and the "black dirt" farming area just above the New Jersey border. After a few detours and missed exits we arrived and promptly found some Eastern Bluebirds, Tree Sparrows, Robins, Mallards, Black Ducks, Red-tail Hawks at our first stop there. Later, in a search for Greater White-fronted Geese, we came across huge flocks of Canada Geese, Crows and Starlings in the snow covered cornfields.

Once at Wallkill NWR we were treated to sightings of numerous Rough-legged Hawks , Northern Harriers (including several of the "Gray Ghost" mature males) as well as a constant stream of Canada Geese coming in to roost. At one point a Bald Eagle flew too near to the geese and the whole flock took to the air, upwards of 5000 geese the sight and sound of which were breath-taking.

The main attraction of this adventure was the potential sighting of Short-eared Owls as many as 12 of which had been sited there lately during the twilight. As the light faded, the wind picked up and the temperature dropped, the Owls finally appeared fling low over the marsh grasses. We all got good looks at these magnificent creatures, one even whirling in the air above our viewing platform. We counted at least 8 of the Short-eared Owls (most of which were a good 1/2 mile away) and we all climbed back into the car, cranked up the heat and headed home happy. Thanks to all for such great birding and companionship.

Rob Bate"