Monday, January 27, 2014

January 26th Waterfowl around the Jamaica Bay region

We begin this post with much excitement:  note this terrific photo taken by Matthieu Benoit, the Snowy Owl chasing the Horned Lark.

date = 2014/01/27
sites = Various
observers = BBC group 
Leader Peter D, Mary E,Lenore S,Rusty H,Monica B, Matthieu B
 ( and thanks to Matthieu for the great photos)

BBC looking at Sunset ;) , photo by Matthieu Benoit
Common Loon 
Red-throated Loon 
Horned Grebe 
Double-crested Cormorant 
Great Cormorant 
Northern Shoveler 
Lesser Scaup 
American Black Duck 
Snow Goose 
Canada Goose 
Black Scoter 
Common Goldeneye 
American Wigeon 
Long-tailed Duck 
Greater Scaup 
Red-breasted Merganser 
Mute Swan 
Cooper's Hawk 
Northern Harrier 
American Kestrel 
Black-bellied Plover 
Ruddy Turnstone 
Great Black-backed Gull 
Ring-billed Gull 
Herring Gull 
Rock Pigeon                         
Snowy Owl 4
Northern Flicker 
American Crow 
Horned Lark 
Black-capped Chickadee 
Hermit Thrush 
Northern Mockingbird 
European Starling 
Swamp Sparrow 
White-throated Sparrow 
Savannah Sparrow 
Snow Bunting 
Song Sparrow 
Fox Sparrow 
American Tree Sparrow 
Dark-eyed Junco 
Field Sparrow 
Northern Cardinal 
House Finch 
American Goldfinch 
House Sparrow 
American Robin

55 species

A great winter day to its glorious end..
Tally notable notes : 21 waterfowl species,12 duck species, 6 shorebird species, 9 sparrow species; floating /soaring flying Snowy owl ~25 feet over the BBC group,   owl trying to land in tree next to group; Snowy owl observed chasing a Horned Lark;  bitter cold, arctic like winter landscapes ; 7 degrees windchill early morning.
Takeoff from a tree perch, Snowy Owl across the field, photo by Matthieu