Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11th Central Park Holidays Birding

LEADER: Peter Dorosh, + Dennis, Dolores & Bobbi in photo order

5.1 miles walk

Central Park, New York, US-NY

Dec 11, 2011 8:35 AM - 1:35 PM

Protocol: Traveling

4.5 mile(s)

36 species

Canada Goose X

Gadwall X

American Black Duck X

Mallard X

Northern Shoveler X

Bufflehead X

Hooded Merganser X

Ruddy Duck X

Double-crested Cormorant X

American Coot X

Ring-billed Gull X

Great Black-backed Gull X

Rock Pigeon X

Mourning Dove X

Red-bellied Woodpecker X

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker X

Downy Woodpecker X

Blue Jay X

American Crow X

Tufted Titmouse X

White-breasted Nuthatch X

Brown Creeper X

Carolina Wren X

Winter Wren X

Ruby-crowned Kinglet X

Hermit Thrush X

American Robin X

Gray Catbird X

Northern Mockingbird X

European Starling X

Song Sparrow X

White-throated Sparrow X

Northern Cardinal X

House Finch X

American Goldfinch X

House Sparrow X

New York Public Library, New York, US-NY

Dec 11, 2011 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Protocol: Stationary

4 species

Gray Catbird 1

Yellow-breasted Chat 1

White-throated Sparrow X

House Sparrow X

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (

Lighthearted funny moment on the NY Public Library terraced plaza: While Peter, Bobbie, and Dennis sat around one of the tables (near where the Yellow-breasted Chat initially was spotted), waiting for the Chat to reappear, a middle aged photographer with his two students approached us trio of birders and asked , " "are you birders?"... Dennis says: "no we're just here for a chat". :>

NY Public Library Xmas tree Yellow-breasted Chat last perched in before group departed. A "Smart Bird"