Thursday, May 4, 2023

Fwd: Thursday walk report

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ryan Goldberg <>
Date: Thu, May 4, 2023, 4:52 PM
Subject: Thursday walk report
To: Peter Dorosh <>

Hi Peter,

I substituted for Tom on the Thursday walk today. It felt more like fall than spring, with intermittent cold rain putting a damper on the morning. That said, close to 20 people turned out and we were rewarded with some excellent sightings. The highlights were a vocal Worm-eating Warbler in the north Midwood, a singing Wilson's Warbler in the Peninsula, and a quintet of thrushes (Hermit, Wood, Gray-cheeked, Swainson's, Veery). The Anhinga also continued for those who made it to the lake. Thankfully this weekend's forecast looks like the end of this chilly spell.

In total, 66 species. Here is the list:
