If you truly love nature ,you will find beauty everywhere
--Vincent Van Gogh, 19th C. impressionist artist
From: betsjrad <betsjrad@aol.com>
To: prosbird <prosbird@aol.com>;
Sent: Sun, Mar 8, 2020 7:06 pm
Subject: Re: Instructions for Saturday's Field trip
Hi Everyone --
Another memorable BBC trip. Despite the wind, we survived and surprisingly saw a fair number of birds and ducks although the birds were probably hiding in the bush. Below are the lists for each area. I'll be in-putting the list into my eBird so if you want me to send you an invite let me know where to send it (although I assume it might just be your email address).
Glad to have had your company and visits to several places unfamiliar -- the new section of Shirley Chisolm and Hendricks Creek. Thanks for all the scopes, too, which helped me to see the ducks that were too far out. A closer look gives up the beauty of their feathers.
If I forgot anything or the numbers are incorrect or you can help fill them in, let me know.
Fresh Creek Nature Preserve
1 lesser scaup
20 greater scaup
20 bufflehead
1 robin
1 mockingbird
1 crow
3 geese
1 great black backed gull
2 black ducks
6 red-winged blackbirds
2 grackle
250 brant
25 ring billed gulls
3 cormorants (in flight)
Shirley Chisolm State Park
2 northern harriers
1 kestrel (possibly 2)
2 eagles (possibly 2 -- one immature)
3 red-tail hawks
50 greater scaup
4 american wigeon
3 great black backed gulls
100 brants
12 canada goose
X ring billed gulls
X rudy ducks
3 red-breasted mergansers
1 red-necked grebe
4 gadwalls
6 black ducks
4 mallards
1 mockingbird
1 dove
Hendrix Creek
23 green-winged teal
1 cardinal
1 downy woodpecker
4 mallards
2 black ducks
4 buffleheads
8 gadwalls
1 coot
Jamaica Bay - East Pond
2 mallards
1 cormorant
1 carolina wren (heard not seen)
Jamaica Bay - West Pond
1 turkey vulture
2 black ducks
6 red winged blackbirds
3 yellow rumps
3 mourning doves
20 buffleheads
2 cardinals
22 rudy ducks
1 barn owl
6 red breasted mergansers
10 northern shovelers
2 american wigeon
6 green winged teal
X canada geese
2 mute swans
1 song sparrow
To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without root.