Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Leader Ryan Goldberg

Six of us traveled to the varied breeding habitats of western New Jersey last weekend, June 8-9. In total, we tallied 62 species -- not bad for the time of year. It was exciting to explore locations in Somerset and Mercer County that were new to all in the group and which the club hasn't visited in a long time, or perhaps for the first time. We all had a great time.

Our first stop on Saturday morning was Sourland Mountain Preserve, in Somerset County, a rugged habitat where Worm-eating Warblers, Ovenbirds, and Wood Thrushes abounded. Here is the checklist:

Our second stop in the afternoon was Pole Farm at Mercer Meadows, a wonderful mix of restored grasslands and woods. The highlights were Indigo Buntings, Eastern Bluebird, Prairie Warbler, Eastern Meadowlarks, an up-close Scarlet Tanager, Orchard Oriole and a Cedar Waxwing on its nest. Field Sparrows were everywhere. Checklist:

Sunday morning we hiked Baldpate Mountain near Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River. At the summit we found a Pileated Woodpecker in the open, Indigo Buntings singing in a cleared meadow, and a close White-eyed Vireo. This place was a favorite of all. Part of our hike took us to an abandoned farmhouse with a tiny stone hut on a pond (photo attached), where an Eastern Phoebe patrolled the water, a trio of Blue-winged Warblers buzzed about, and Black Vultures soared overhead. Highlights along the wooded slopes included a number of singing warbler species including Hooded. Checklist:

Given the time of year, we heard more than we saw, but it was great to observe birds in their breeding habitats, and we hiked about 14 miles in two days. I can't recommend the places we visited enough.

I've attached some photos, courtesy of Charles Tang and Kathleen Ehrenberg. Thanks to Adelia Honeywood for keeping the lists.

Participants: Angie Co, Adelia Honeywood, Richard Lefkowitz, Charles Tang, Kathleen Ehrenberg, Ryan Goldberg (trip leader).
