Group photo at Lake Drummond |
Leaders : Peter Dorosh,Bob Oneill
Particpants: Lenore Swenson, Lisa Detert, Donna Evans, Richard Lefkowitz, Jamie Newman, Aland Esner
Locations: Chincoteague NWR (day 1), Great Dismal Swamp Jericho trail (day 2), Railroad Trail to Lake Drummond( day 4), Piney Grove Preserve (TNC) ( Day 3) and Cape Henlopen, Ferry boat to Cape May (Day 5)
Leaders: Peter Dorosh, Robert O'Neill, plus 6 participants
CNWR=Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge VA.
GDS= Great Dismal Swamp NWR VA.
PGP= Piney Grove Preserve VA.
CHSP=Cape Henlopen State Park DE.
MAMMALS - 6 plus 3 signs
Marsh Rabbit - GDS
Delmarva Fox Squirrel - CNWR
Sign of Beaver-gnawed tree, dam, lodge - GDS
Sign of Black Bear-claw marks - GDS
Tracks of Raccoon - GDS
River Otter - GDS
White-tailed Deer - GDS
Wild Horse - CNWR
Dolphin sp. - from Ferry
HERPS - 11: 1 Snake, 2 Turtles, 1 Lizard, 7 Frogs/Toads:
Eastern Kingsnake - GDS
Yellow-bellied Turtle/Slider - GDS
Eastern Painted Turtle - GDS
Southeastern Five-lined Skink - PGP
Fowler's Toad - GDS (h), CHSP
Spring Peeper (h) - GDS
Pinewoods Tree Frog (h) - PGP
Southern Cricket Frog (h) - GDS
American Bullfrog (h) - PGP, GDS
Carpenter Frog (h) - GDS
Green Frog (h) - GDS
Zebra Swallowtail - GDS-5
Black Swallowtail - CNWR-2, GDS-60
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - GDS-16, PGP-1
Spicebush Swallowtail - CHSP-1
Palamedes Swallowtail - GDS-12
Cabbage White - CNWR-2, CHSP-10
Orange Sulphur - GDS-1
Cloudless Sulphur - GDS-1
Sleepy Orange - GDS-1
Eastern Tailed Blue - GDS-1
Spring Azure - GDS-6
Variegated Fritillary - GDS-1
Question Mark - GDS-25
Eastern Comma - GDS-2
Red Admiral - CNWR-1, GDS-2
Red-spotted Purple -GDS-4, CHSP-2
Viceroy - CNWR-2
Silver-spotted Skipper - CHSP-1
Dun Skipper - GDS-1
Zabulon Skipper - CNWR-1
ODONATES - 2 Damselflies, 7 Dragonflies:
Bluet sp. Damselfly - CNWR, GDS
Sedge Sprite - CHSP
Common Green Darner - GDS, CHSP
Swamp Darner - GDS
Black Saddlebags - CHSP
Painted Skimmer - GDS
Great Blue Skimmer - GDS
Blue Dasher - GDS, CHSP
Eastern/Common Pondhawk - GDS
Mud Dauber Wasps and nests - GDS
Spittle of Spittlebug - GDS
Snail sp. - GDS
Horseshoe Crab - CHSP