-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Schumacher <janets33@optonline.net>
To: Peter Dorosh <prosbird@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Feb 4, 2018 01:46 PM
Subject: Jones Beach-a little narrative for trip report if you want
Beautiful sunny day at Jones Beach but cold. Bundled up, we managed to see some nice birds, and it warmed up before we finished. An early find was a snowy owl, which was just a white spot on top of a dune. If you want to see a snowy, look for photographers. The photographers were easy to spot. The owl flew away before we got closer, and we continued down to the jetty for purple sandpipers. Almost at the jetty, we spotted the snowy owl in the rocks on the beach. A large flock of dunlins was also huddling together by the jetty.
Checklists ( courtesy of Adelia Harrison)
https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S42516342 Fireman Park
https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S42516345 West End
https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S42516346 Coast Guard Station
We found a purple sandpiper, and later a flock of Bonaparte gulls. A mature and an immature King eider were off shore at a distance, mixed in with some Common eiders and a huge flock of Greater scaup. The four Harlequin ducks were easier to spot resting on a rock near the end of one jetty. Snow buntings showed briefly and only a few got a look, but horned larks were seen by all.
Photo by Zhichao Guo
Checklists ( courtesy of Adelia Harrison)
https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S42516342 Fireman Park
https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S42516345 West End
https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S42516346 Coast Guard Station