Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5th Prospect Park

leading , Ed Crowne

Hi, Peter.
We had 15 to 20 in our group today. From 7 am to noon we tallied 50 species. Our highlight bird was of course the Prothonotary spotted by a member of our group.
Best regards, Ed ****
Bobbi Manian's  note and photos of Prairie Warbler
Hi Peter,
What a great day!  We were quoting you as we left the park today: "quality birds".  Didn't get any shots of the Prothonotary during Ed's walk, but on the way out, Kristin tracked down this highly vocal Prairie singing on the side of Lookout, giving us great views in a beautiful setting.
Midwood Wood Thrush, taken by Sandy Paci

Black & White Warbler, photo by Sandy Paci