Leader Steve Nanz
Trip cancelled due to inclement weather
A "field book" of day (or occasional weekend)sightings of previous field trips led by skilled leaders to various habitats and locales within and beyond Brooklyn and NYC boundaries. Founded in 1909 , BBC Birding has provided enjoyment for over 100 years!
Monday, May 27, 2013
May 23rd Prospect Thursday Walk (final)
Leader Tom Stephenson
Hi Peter,
What a change from last week to this! All of the birds we had last walk seemed to have left the area and are hopefully now on their breeding grounds and getting ready for nesting. That didn't leave too many for us to see today.
We did have two very interesting sightings: In the BBC plantings on the Nellie's Lawn border of the Vale there were a pair of Field Sparrows with nesting material.
Not sure, but maybe this would be the first nesting record for this species, if it's successful?
Later, behind the pagoda, we had a pair of Great Crested Flycatchers also gathering nesting material.
And of course we saw the hummingbird on its nest in the ravine area.
The Green Heron was on its nest, but there was one egg broken on the ground below. Hopefully that was a small casualty and there are more remaining.
As for species, we had 58 (down from 90) including Canada and Wilson's Warblers, and Gray-cheeked Thrush.
The list is below.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant | |
Green Heron | |
Canada Goose | |
Mute Swan | |
Wood Duck | |
Mallard | |
Red-tailed Hawk | |
Spotted Sandpiper | |
Laughing Gull | |
Ring-billed Gull | |
Herring Gull | |
Rock Dove | |
Mourning Dove | |
Chimney Swift | |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | |
Downy Woodpecker | |
Northern Flicker | |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | |
Willow Flycatcher | |
Great Crested Flycatcher | |
Eastern Kingbird | |
White-eyed Vireo | |
Warbling Vireo | |
Red-eyed Vireo | |
Blue Jay | |
American Crow | |
Barn Swallow | |
Black-capped Chickadee | |
Tufted Titmouse | |
House Wren | |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | |
Wood Thrush | |
American Robin | |
Gray Catbird | |
European Starling | |
Cedar Waxwing | |
Northern Parula | |
Yellow Warbler | |
Magnolia Warbler | |
Black-throated Green Warbler | |
Blackpoll Warbler | |
American Redstart | |
Northern Waterthrush | |
Common Yellowthroat | |
Wilson's Warbler | |
Canada Warbler | |
Chipping Sparrow | |
Field Sparrow | |
Song Sparrow | |
Northern Cardinal | |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | |
Red-winged Blackbird | |
Common Grackle | |
Brown-headed Cowbird | |
Baltimore Oriole | |
American Goldfinch | |
House Sparrow |
May 21st Tuesday Prospect Walk ( final)
Leader Rob Bate
reported by Bobbi Manian
reported by Bobbi Manian
Hi Peter and Rob,
Today was the final Tuesday migration walk. All of the regulars from our merry band were in attendance.
Here is today's list. Of note:
over 20 Blackpolls, mostly female, signifying end of migration :-(
Northern Harrier flyover on Lookout
Good looks at female Prairie, not seen for a week or so, on side of Lookout at a termite hatchout
Good looks at a female RB Grosbeak - also on side of Lookout
2Common Loons flyover - also on Lookout
Emily heard and saw Willow Flycatcher and brought the group back for good looks (also on Lookout - do you sense a theme?)
Rob pre-spotted a grey-cheek on Penna yesterday and made sure entire group got on it today
Rob - Thanks so much for your generous time this spring! The Tuesday walks have been a highlight of migration!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "do-not-reply@ebird.org" <do-not-reply@ebird.org>
To: bobbi.manian@alumni.lafayette.edu
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:01 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, May 21, 2013
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
May 21, 2013 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
Comments: Rob's Tuesday Migration walk
51 species
Canada Goose 4
Mute Swan 4
Mallard 6
Common Loon 2
Great Blue Heron 1
Green Heron 2
Northern Harrier 1
Laughing Gull 1
Rock Pigeon 6
Mourning Dove 4
Chimney Swift 5
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Willow Flycatcher 2
Eastern Kingbird 3
White-eyed Vireo 2
Warbling Vireo 1
Red-eyed Vireo 4
Blue Jay 4
Tree Swallow 2
Barn Swallow 8
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
House Wren 3
Carolina Wren 1
Veery 1
Gray-cheeked Thrush 1
Swainson's Thrush 2
American Robin 12
Gray Catbird 6
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 5
Northern Waterthrush 1
Common Yellowthroat 2
American Redstart 6
Magnolia Warbler 3
Yellow Warbler 1
Blackpoll Warbler 20
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
Prairie Warbler 1
Black-throated Green Warbler 2
Canada Warbler 2
Wilson's Warbler 1
Northern Cardinal 6
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2
Red-winged Blackbird 12
Common Grackle X
Baltimore Oriole 4
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S14200170
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
Duke Farms May 18th
Leader : Sandy Paci
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
Great Blue Heron
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Red Tailed Hawk
American Kestral
Mourning Dove
Rock Pigeon
Chimney Swift
Belted Kingfisher
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood Pewee
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Warbling Vireo
Red Eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough Winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White Breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
Eastern Bluebird
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Yellow Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Black Throated Green Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black and White Warbler
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White Throated Sparrow
Dark Eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Red Winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown Headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
Thursday, May 16, 2013
May 16th Prospect Thursday walk
![]() |
Juvenile Bald Eagle north Sullivan Hill, photo by Phil Malek |
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Juvenile Bald Eagle , photo by Sandy Paci |
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Common Nighthawk Vale Cashmere, photo by Sandy Paci |
Leader : Tom Stephenson
Hi Peter,
I guess the first thing that comes to mind to describe the day today is "wow"...so many warblers. We had a large and enthusiastic group today and it took us a couple of hours just to get to the vale!
We ended up with 90 species and 23 species of warblers. Highlights included a Bald Eagle that was perched near Rick's place (that we almost passed by as a ReTaHa....), many Cape May's, several Bay-breasteds, a female Cerulean (that unfortunately didn't hang around for long), several Blackburnian, great looks at Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Common Nighthawk (thanks to Keir for spotting this), the hummingbird nest (thanks to Rob Jett's stick), at least 3Wilson's, Hooded and probably 3 Canada warblers.
Here's the list.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant | |
Great Blue Heron | |
Green Heron | |
Turkey Vulture | |
Canada Goose | |
Mute Swan | |
Wood Duck | |
Mallard | |
Osprey | |
Bald Eagle | |
Red-tailed Hawk | |
Spotted Sandpiper | |
Laughing Gull | |
Ring-billed Gull | |
Herring Gull | |
Rock Dove | |
Mourning Dove | |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | |
Common Nighthawk | |
Chimney Swift | |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | |
Downy Woodpecker | |
Hairy Woodpecker | |
Northern Flicker | |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | |
Great Crested Flycatcher | |
Eastern Kingbird | |
White-eyed Vireo | |
Yellow-throated Vireo | |
Blue-headed Vireo | |
Warbling Vireo | |
Red-eyed Vireo | |
Blue Jay | |
American Crow | |
Tree Swallow | |
Barn Swallow | |
Black-capped Chickadee | |
Tufted Titmouse | |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | |
Carolina Wren | |
House Wren | |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | |
Veery | |
Gray-cheeked Thrush | |
Swainson's Thrush | |
Wood Thrush | |
American Robin | |
Gray Catbird | |
Northern Mockingbird | |
European Starling | |
Cedar Waxwing | |
Tennessee Warbler | |
Nashville Warbler | |
Northern Parula | |
Yellow Warbler | |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | |
Magnolia Warbler | |
Cape May Warbler | |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | |
Black-throated Green Warbler | |
Blackburnian Warbler | |
Prairie Warbler | |
Bay-breasted Warbler | |
Blackpoll Warbler | |
Cerulean Warbler | |
Black-and-white Warbler | |
American Redstart | |
Ovenbird | |
Northern Waterthrush | |
Common Yellowthroat | |
Hooded Warbler | |
Wilson's Warbler | |
Canada Warbler | |
Scarlet Tanager | |
Chipping Sparrow | |
Song Sparrow | |
Swamp Sparrow | |
White-throated Sparrow | |
Northern Cardinal | |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | |
Indigo Bunting | |
Red-winged Blackbird | |
Common Grackle | |
Brown-headed Cowbird | |
Baltimore Oriole | |
Purple Finch | |
American Goldfinch | |
House Sparrow |
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
May 14th Tuesday Prospect walk
Results of today's Tuesday Walk led by Rob Bate, reported by Bobbi Manian.
Hi Peter and Rob,
Results of today's walk. 16 participants were treated to 18 warblers and 77 species... Sorry Rob, we couldn't stop at 75, (even though it was a nice round number). Kathy and I had GREG on the Lullwater, and i had a Least F/C on PPSW side of Lookout on my way back to car.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "do-not-reply@ebird.org" <do-not-reply@ebird.org>
To: bobbi.manian
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:39 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Prospect Park, May 14, 2013
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
May 14, 2013 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 mile(s)
Comments: BBC Rob's Tuesday migration walk
Submitted from BirdLog NA for iOS, version 1.5.2
77 species
Canada Goose 2
Mute Swan 6
Mallard 6
Northern Shoveler 1 See by 12 people on prospect lake
Double-crested Cormorant 4
Great Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
American Coot 1 1 lingers on lake.
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Laughing Gull 1
Rock Pigeon 8
Mourning Dove 6
Chimney Swift 40
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2 1 seem building nest upper path above Ambergill
Belted Kingfisher 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Downy Woodpecker 4
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 2
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Least Flycatcher 1
Eastern Kingbird 3
White-eyed Vireo 2
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Warbling Vireo 2
Red-eyed Vireo 1
Blue Jay 3
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1
Tree Swallow 1
Bank Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 3
Black-capped Chickadee 3
Tufted Titmouse 2
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
House Wren 2
Carolina Wren 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 Greater than normal numbers have been observed for several days now
Veery 2
Swainson's Thrush 2
Wood Thrush 2
American Robin 14
Gray Catbird 14
Ovenbird 4
Worm-eating Warbler 1
Northern Waterthrush 1
Black-and-white Warbler 7
Nashville Warbler 1
Common Yellowthroat 9
American Redstart 5
Cape May Warbler 1
Northern Parula 6
Magnolia Warbler 12
Yellow Warbler 2
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1
Blackpoll Warbler 4
Black-throated Blue Warbler 5
Palm Warbler 1 Observed by 12. No mistake
Yellow-rumped Warbler 5
Black-throated Green Warbler 2
Wilson's Warbler 2
Eastern Towhee 1
Chipping Sparrow 2
Song Sparrow 1
Swamp Sparrow 2
White-throated Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal 4
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1
Red-winged Blackbird 12
Common Grackle 7
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Orchard Oriole 2
Baltimore Oriole 3
Pine Siskin 1 Yep
American Goldfinch 6
House Sparrow X
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S14114574
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
May 12th Greenwood Cemetery
Leader Dennis Hrehowsik
Results of May 12th GWC BBC walk
leader Dennis Hreshowsik, also reporting
Results of May 12th GWC BBC walk
leader Dennis Hreshowsik, also reporting
a dozen birders were treated to fantastic weather and great looks at spring migrants on today's greenwood cemetery walk. highlights were eye level looks at 3 cape may warblers, the first of which spotted by monica berger near sylvain water way and later near cypress ave where two cape may and two magnolia showed well at eye level for several minutes. least flycatcher, heard by tom preston, put on an acrobatic display of flycatching for all to see. other quality species included blackburnian, chestnut sided and wilson's warblers, three scarlet tanagers as well as 3 rosebreasted grosbeak and 2 swainson's thrush. thanks to all for a great day of birding.
see you in the field,a dozen birders were treated to fantastic weather and great looks at spring migrants on today's greenwood cemetery walk. highlights were eye level looks at 3 cape may warblers, the first of which spotted by monica berger near sylvain water way and later near cypress ave where two cape may and two magnolia showed well at eye level for several minutes. least flycatcher, heard by tom preston, put on an acrobatic display of flycatching for all to see. other quality species included blackburnian, chestnut sided and wilson's warblers, three scarlet tanagers as well as 3 rosebreasted grosbeak and 2 swainson's thrush. thanks to all for a great day of birding.
![]() |
Gathering at GWCemetery |
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <do-not-reply@ebird.org>
Date: Sun, May 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Green-Wood Cemetery, May 11, 2013
Green-Wood Cemetery, Kings, US-NY
May 11, 2013 7:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 mile(s)
Comments: BBC greenwood cem walk
63 species
Canada Goose 2
Mallard 1
Great Blue Heron 1
Green Heron 2
Turkey Vulture 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Spotted Sandpiper 2
Ring-billed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 3
Chimney Swift 5
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 1
Monk Parakeet 7
Least Flycatcher 1
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Warbling Vireo 2
Blue Jay 3
Fish Crow 1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Barn Swallow 4
Red-breasted Nuthatch 2
House Wren 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Swainson's Thrush 2
American Robin 25
Northern Mockingbird 5
Brown Thrasher 1
European Starling X
Ovenbird 1
Black-and-white Warbler 2
Common Yellowthroat 5
American Redstart 1
Cape May Warbler 3
Northern Parula 7
Magnolia Warbler 3
Blackburnian Warbler 2
Yellow Warbler 2
Chestnut-sided Warbler 2
Blackpoll Warbler 5
Black-throated Blue Warbler 6
Yellow-rumped Warbler 5
Black-throated Green Warbler 3
Wilson's Warbler 1
Eastern Towhee 1
Chipping Sparrow 7
Song Sparrow 2
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 3
White-crowned Sparrow 1
Scarlet Tanager 3
Northern Cardinal 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 3
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Baltimore Oriole 5
House Finch 1
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S14086190
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
From: <do-not-reply@ebird.org>
Date: Sun, May 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Green-Wood Cemetery, May 11, 2013
Green-Wood Cemetery, Kings, US-NY
May 11, 2013 7:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 mile(s)
Comments: BBC greenwood cem walk
63 species
Canada Goose 2
Mallard 1
Great Blue Heron 1
Green Heron 2
Turkey Vulture 1
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Spotted Sandpiper 2
Ring-billed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 3
Chimney Swift 5
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 1
Monk Parakeet 7
Least Flycatcher 1
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Warbling Vireo 2
Blue Jay 3
Fish Crow 1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Barn Swallow 4
Red-breasted Nuthatch 2
House Wren 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Swainson's Thrush 2
American Robin 25
Northern Mockingbird 5
Brown Thrasher 1
European Starling X
Ovenbird 1
Black-and-white Warbler 2
Common Yellowthroat 5
American Redstart 1
Cape May Warbler 3
Northern Parula 7
Magnolia Warbler 3
Blackburnian Warbler 2
Yellow Warbler 2
Chestnut-sided Warbler 2
Blackpoll Warbler 5
Black-throated Blue Warbler 6
Yellow-rumped Warbler 5
Black-throated Green Warbler 3
Wilson's Warbler 1
Eastern Towhee 1
Chipping Sparrow 7
Song Sparrow 2
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 3
White-crowned Sparrow 1
Scarlet Tanager 3
Northern Cardinal 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3
Red-winged Blackbird 10
Common Grackle 3
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Baltimore Oriole 5
House Finch 1
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S14086190
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)
Brooklyn Birdathon "IMBD" May 11th day results
From BBC Birdathon coordinator Bobbi's BBC Facebook posting, below are the results of the highest totals with some partial lists. But no matter the tallies, birds win by everyone's participation .Hopefully, I can get a master list from all the teams combined totals to see Brooklyn's high for the day. Congrats and a noble win for conservation.
A truly awesome day yesterday with good friends, good birds and cloud-to-ground lightning! The smart Timberdoodlers stayed in the car.

The BBC Birdathon early results are in! Six teams reporting so far. Congratulations to the Brooklyn Babblers, netting 121 species in PP, Greenwood, Marine Park, FBF, JBWR west pond trail and Drier Offerman! We forgot to tell them that the champs have to buy all the other teams dinner!
Brooklyn Babblers: 121 (Keir Randall, Tom Stephenson, Chellie Bowman)
Timberdoodlers: 111 (Bobbi Manian, Dennis Hrehowsik, Kristin Costello, Chris Holden)
Wandering Warblers: 84 (Rob Bate, Tracy Meade, Janet Zinn, Alan Baratz, Gerald Layton)
Winter Wrens: 82 (Phil Hoff, Peter Colen, James Buckler, Benjamin Garron-Caine)
Magicicadas: 73 (Stanley Greenberg, Nidhin Cyril, Chris Laskowski)
Intro to Birdwatching: 39 (Michele Dreger's noon walk had 15 adults and 1 child. 7 of the adults were beginners. It was the first warbler migration for some! All 4 vireo's and 7 warblers.
Brooklyn Babblers: 121 (Keir Randall, Tom Stephenson, Chellie Bowman)
Timberdoodlers: 111 (Bobbi Manian, Dennis Hrehowsik, Kristin Costello, Chris Holden)
Wandering Warblers: 84 (Rob Bate, Tracy Meade, Janet Zinn, Alan Baratz, Gerald Layton)
Winter Wrens: 82 (Phil Hoff, Peter Colen, James Buckler, Benjamin Garron-Caine)
Magicicadas: 73 (Stanley Greenberg, Nidhin Cyril, Chris Laskowski)
Intro to Birdwatching: 39 (Michele Dreger's noon walk had 15 adults and 1 child. 7 of the adults were beginners. It was the first warbler migration for some! All 4 vireo's and 7 warblers.
Also congrats to BBC members Sandy Paci, Donna Evans, & Lenore Swenson who birded the birdathon for Starr Saphir memorial with a total of 116 species and $13,000 for the American Bird Conservancy's Cerulean Warbler habitat program, Starr's favorite warbler.
My guess is Brooklyn easily approached 130 species collectively May 11th.Perhaps if I have time, will try a list attempt.
Keir's report
hi Peter
Here's the PP leg of the birdathon for Tom Stephenson, Chellie Bowman and myself (aka The Brooklyn Babblers).
Prospect Park, Kings, US-NY
May 11, 2013 6:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
83 species (plus Tom got WB Nuthatch and Orchard Oriole = 85)
Canada Goose 2
Mute Swan 5
Wood Duck 2
Mallard 7
Common Loon 1 Flyover, Battle Pass West broken steps.
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 5
Green Heron 1
Osprey 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Laughing Gull 6
Ring-billed Gull 1
Herring Gull 1
Rock Pigeon 4
Mourning Dove 5
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 High in canopy between Vale/ Nellie's Lawn border and Rose Garden
Chimney Swift 4
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Downy Woodpecker 3
Hairy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 2
American Kestrel 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 2 One on Lookout (north curve path) and another on Peninsula. Seen well.
Least Flycatcher 1 Ravine
Great Crested Flycatcher 2
Eastern Kingbird 2
White-eyed Vireo 2
Yellow-throated Vireo 1 Lullwater west cove
Blue-headed Vireo 4
Warbling Vireo 7
Red-eyed Vireo 5
Blue Jay 2
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2
Tree Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 5
Black-capped Chickadee 4
Tufted Titmouse 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
House Wren 6
Carolina Wren 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
Veery 3
Swainson's Thrush 2
Wood Thrush 2
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 15
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 1
Ovenbird 4
Northern Waterthrush 1
Black-and-white Warbler 6
Nashville Warbler 2
Common Yellowthroat 7
American Redstart 6
Cape May Warbler 2 Vale, Lookout
Northern Parula 11
Magnolia Warbler 4
Blackburnian Warbler 1 Lookout
Yellow Warbler 6
Chestnut-sided Warbler 5
Blackpoll Warbler 4
Black-throated Blue Warbler 8
Palm Warbler (Western) 1 Lullwater west cove, yellow visible on undertail but barely elsewhere.
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 26
Black-throated Green Warbler 7
Wilson's Warbler 1 Lullwater west
Chipping Sparrow 1
Swamp Sparrow 2
White-throated Sparrow 8
Scarlet Tanager 2
Northern Cardinal 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 2
Baltimore Oriole 6
Pine Siskin 1 With American Goldfinches near Rick's Place
American Goldfinch 6
House Sparrow X
Rob Bate's
Finally getting it together to get you this list. We, the Wet Weary Wandering Warblers are a tired lot today. Snowy Egret was a flyover with 3 Great Egrets. Wonderful day, nice to have the birds back, bad to have to fight Googa Mooga.
84 species (+1 other taxa)
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck X
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron X
Great Egret X
Snowy Egret X RARE see checklist http://www.brooklynbirdclub.org/maps/ppchklst.pdf
Green Heron X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Osprey X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Spotted Sandpiper X
Laughing Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Belted Kingfisher X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Monk Parakeet X
Least Flycatcher X
Empidonax sp. X
Great Crested Flycatcher X
Eastern Kingbird X
White-eyed Vireo X
Blue-headed Vireo X
Warbling Vireo X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Northern Rough-winged Swallow X
Tree Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
House Wren X
Carolina Wren X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X
Veery X
Swainson's Thrush X
Hermit Thrush X
Wood Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Blue-winged Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
Common Yellowthroat X
American Redstart X
Cape May Warbler X
Northern Parula X
Magnolia Warbler X
Blackburnian Warbler X
Yellow Warbler X
Chestnut-sided Warbler X
Blackpoll Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Palm Warbler X Western Palm
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Prairie Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler X
Wilson's Warbler X
Eastern Towhee X
Chipping Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Scarlet Tanager X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Orchard Oriole X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck X
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron X
Great Egret X
Snowy Egret X RARE see checklist http://www.brooklynbirdclub.org/maps/ppchklst.pdf
Green Heron X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Osprey X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Spotted Sandpiper X
Laughing Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Belted Kingfisher X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Monk Parakeet X
Least Flycatcher X
Empidonax sp. X
Great Crested Flycatcher X
Eastern Kingbird X
White-eyed Vireo X
Blue-headed Vireo X
Warbling Vireo X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Northern Rough-winged Swallow X
Tree Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
House Wren X
Carolina Wren X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X
Veery X
Swainson's Thrush X
Hermit Thrush X
Wood Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Blue-winged Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
Common Yellowthroat X
American Redstart X
Cape May Warbler X
Northern Parula X
Magnolia Warbler X
Blackburnian Warbler X
Yellow Warbler X
Chestnut-sided Warbler X
Blackpoll Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Palm Warbler X Western Palm
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Prairie Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler X
Wilson's Warbler X
Eastern Towhee X
Chipping Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Scarlet Tanager X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Orchard Oriole X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Posted by Kingsboider at 10:45 PM 
Winning team -Keir Randall, Tom Stephenson, Chellie Bowman
, report from Keir Randall
hi Peter

Winning team -Keir Randall, Tom Stephenson, Chellie Bowman
, report from Keir Randall
hi Peter
We recorded 123 total but 2 sp (Willow Flycatcher and WB Nuthatch) were 1 observer only so we had 121 by BBC rules. We were all Brooklyn except the west trail of JBWR before we reentered Brooklyn. I think that's ok per BBC rules? There were a few only in Queens and some right on the border.
Some folks wondered how we fitted so much in but in reality we rushed certain locations. The route was:
Prospect Park 6am - 12.30p, 83 species
Greenwood 1pm just the entrance for Monk Parakeets and pick up lunch nearby
Marine Park Nature Center 1.40pm - eat lunch at overlook and but didn't walk trails (saves included Northern Harrier, Ruddy Duck etc)
FBF 2.45p - just Cricket Field & RAG no time for runways or the bay (Killdeer, Brown Thrasher)
JBWR west pond trail 4.10-6.30p We had to wait out a lightning storm which cost us time. We walked anticlockwise, ignoring the gardens to get out to shorebirds quickly which paid off - low tide on the bayside gave us 8 shorebird sp.
Fish Crow was in Queens for TS and CB though I had it from my apartment at 5.30am! White-crowned Sparrow, Solitary Sandpiper, Gadwall and Blue-winged Teal were all right on the border BK/Queens with everything else definitley in BK.
We rushed Dreier-Offerman 6.50-8p but picked up Savannah Sparrow, Red-throated Loon etc. in fading light.
We didn't scout at all so we did pretty well....
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