Friday, March 9, 2012

March 4th Prospect Park

Leader : Michele Dreger

We had 2 walks. 8am Neal and I led the walk passed the feeders to lampost 249 in hopes of finding the Common Yellowthroat.

Neal brought his scope which he had won in a silent auction at a Linnean function. The group of 13 were hunkered around it on Wellhouse Drive trying to see the Hooded Mergansers on the other side of the lake. We continured looking for the warbler. While we were at those new picnic tables someone called out brown thrasher! Sure enough, it was right where we left it several months ago, scratching in the leaf liter behind the fence. One of the people on the tour was a gentleman named Tom. His uncle, Bernard Brennan was a member of the Brooklyn Bird Club from the 1950's to early 1990. He would come to Prospect Park with his uncle when he was young and now that he is getting back into birding, he looked up our tour and joined us. We went to the peninsula and got some great looks at the merganser's.

The group made their way back to the center to pick up the 10am birders. Eni and Vinnie led that group of 31 more people. They went back towards the lake and Bobbi was able to coax a kitten that had been hanging around the picnic tables into going with her to a shelter. Sean Casey is an animal rescue organization in Windsor Terrace. They came and took the kitty. Great news for kittens and birds alike.

Thanks to Carl for emailing me the bird list!

Next month will be early migration. Make plans now. 8am on Sunday April fools day!

Michele, Eni, Vinnie & Neal

Both walks saw these birds:



Ruddy duck

Canada goose

Downy woodpecker


Brown creeper

Red bellied woodpecker

White breasted nuthatch

Mourning dove

Black capped chickadee

House finch



Northern shovelers

Herring gull

Ring billed gull

Mute Swan

Tufted titmouse

Red winged blackbird


White throat sparrow

10 am

Ruby crowned kinglet

Pie billed grebe




Hermit thrush

Song sparrow


Brown thrasher

Hooded merganser

Red tailed Hawk

Coopers hawk

Hairy woodpecker

Yellow bellied sapsucker
