Monday, September 1, 2008

Sandy Hook 8/31/08

Leader : Bob Machover

1.   Canada Goose - heard
2.   Double-crested Cormorant - a few
3.   Snowy Egret - 4
4.   Turkey Vulture - 1
5.   Osprey - 2
6.   Broad-winged Hawk - 1 adult flew into tree in front of us as we were having lunch...then disappeared   
      mysteriously as no one saw it leave.  Sneaky!
7.   Black-bellied Plover - 1 heard
8.   American Golden Plover - 1 adult
9.   Semipalmated Plover - 30?
10. Piping Plover - 9 (including juveniles and adults)
11. American Oysercatcher - 2
12. Whimbrel - 1 
13. Sanderling - 40?
14. Semipalmated Sandpiper - 35?
15. Western Sandpiper - at least 2...with almost Dunlin-like bills
16. Least Sandpiper - 20?
17. White-rumped Sandpiper - 2
18. Laughing Gull
19. Ring-billed Gull
20. Herring Gull
21. Great Black-backed Gull
22. Common Tern - Big flock...125?
23. Least Tern - 2...1 adult, 1 juvenile
24. Rock Pigeon
25. Mourning Dove
26. Chimney Swift (I missed this)
27. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 2
28. Downy Woodpecker - 1 heard
29. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2
30. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1...brief glimpses
31. Least Flycatcher -1 (Probable...I saw it briefly)
32. White-eyed Vireo - 4
33. Red-eyed Vireo - 2....1 sang almost non-stop for 15 minutes!
34. American Crow
35. Tree Swallow - 40?
36. Barn Swallow - 4
37. Carolina Wren
38. House Wren -1
39. Veery - 1 heard
40. American Robin - 12?
41. Gray Catbird - Abundant!  Catbird capital!
42. Northern Mockingbird - 8
43. European Starling
44. Cedar Waxwing - 60?
45. Northern Parula - 6
46. Magnolia Warbler - 3
47. Cape May Warbler - I missed this...female seen and well-described by Kellie
48. Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 female
49. Black-throated Green Warbler - I missed this, too
50. Black-and-white Warbler - 8
51. American Redstart - 10
52. Northern Waterthrush - 1
53. Common Yellowthroat - 10
54. Canada Warbler - 1
55. Eastern Towhee - 5-6 heard
56. Field Sparrow - 1
57. Northern Cardinal - fairly common
58. Bobolink - 6-8 flyovers
59. Baltimore Oriole - 2
60. House Finch - a few
61. American Goldfinch - a few heard
Til the next.....