Peter and walk attendees:
These are (most) of the insects and arachnids seen on Saturday's BBC walk in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Some IDs are tentative. (I added a couple of things I saw on Pier 6 on my way out to the park.)
Thanks to Rusty Harold for documenting many of these on iNaturalist.
For biodiversity purposes, this iNaturalist link shows all the arthropods reported in Brooklyn Bridge Park by all users:
Question Mark Polygonia interrogationis
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
Unidentified moth
Hibiscus Sawfly (adults and larvae) Atomacera decepta
Mexican Grass-carrying Wasp Isodontia mexicana
European Paperwasp Polistes dominula
Oak Button Gall Neuroterus umbilicatus
Oak Rough Bulletgall Wasp Disholcaspis quercusmamma
Typical aphid wasp, genus Pemphredon
Brown-belted Bumblebee Bombus grisecollis
Common Eastern Bumblebee Bombus virginica
Golden Northern Bumblebee Bombus fervidus
Long-horned bee, genus Melissodes
Western Honeybee Apis melifera
Eastern Carpenter Bee Xylocopa virginica
Small carpenter bee, genus Ceratina
Central European Bicolor Ant Lasius emarginatus
Carpenter ant, genus Camponotus
Odorous House Ant Tapinoma sessile
Stiletto fly, genus Ozodiceromyia
Long-legged Flies, Condylostylus spp.
Long-tailed Aphideater Eupeodes americanus
Unidentified hover fly larvae: Syrphidae
Flesh fly, genus Sarcophaga
False Stable Fly Muscina stabulans
Common Picture-winged Fly Delphinia picta
Carbonifera Goldenrod Gall Midge Asteromyia carbonifera
Daylily Leafminer Ophiomyia kwansonis
Asian Lady Beetle Harmonia axyridis
Two-spotted Lady Beetle Adalia bipunctata
Fourteen Spotted Lady Beetle Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
Twenty-spotted Lady Beetle (larva) Psyllobora vintimaculata
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle Coccinella septempunctata
Unidentified beetle
Common Green Darner Anax junius
Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis
Fragile Forktail Ischnura posita
Slaty Skimmer Libellula incesta
Asian Wooly Hackberry Aphid Shivaphis celti
Other aphid species, Aphididae
Soft scale on Viburnum, perhaps genus Pulvaria
Spotted Lanternfly Lycorma delicatula
False Milkweed Bug Lygaeus turcicus
Plagiognathus politus, a plant bug spotted by Rusty that may be the first sighting in NYC
Other plant bugs
Unidentified true bug
Bold Jumping Spider Phidippus audax
Other unidentified spiders
Poison Ivy Leaf Mite Aculops rhois