All photos taken by Russ Comeau
Christmas BBC walk led by peter d.
A lovely walk with good cheer
List compiled by Lisa Curtiss.
Merry Christmas!
A "field book" of day (or occasional weekend)sightings of previous field trips led by skilled leaders to various habitats and locales within and beyond Brooklyn and NYC boundaries. Founded in 1909 , BBC Birding has provided enjoyment for over 100 years!
Leader Seth Wollney
Checklists ( courtesy of Marisa Hernandez) Fresh Kills North Park Conference House Park Mount Loretto UNique Area
Hi light 20 Wood Ducks in pull water
List compiled by Ryan Goldberg
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Surf Scoters at Hammonasset Beach State Park , photo by Brian Foy |
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Cedar Waxwings at Milford Point, photo'd by Brian Foy |
Great Blue Heron |
Canada Goose |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
Mallard |
Northern Shoveler |
Ruddy Duck |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Cooper's Hawk |
Broad-winged Hawk |
Red-tailed Hawk |
Herring Gull |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Eastern Phoebe |
Blue-headed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
Common Raven |
Carolina Wren |
Winter Wren |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Hermit Thrush |
American Robin |
Gray Catbird |
Northern Mockingbird |
European Starling |
Orange-crowned Warbler |
Nashville Warbler |
Northern Parula |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Palm Warbler |
Blackpoll Warbler |
American Redstart |
Common Yellowthroat |
Scarlet Tanager |
Eastern Towhee |
Swamp Sparrow |
White-throated Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Common Grackle |
House Finch |
House Sparrow |
Purple Gallinule |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Great Blue Heron |
Canada Goose |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
Northern Shoveler Mallard |
Green-winged Teal |
Ruddy Duck |
Osprey |
Cooper's Hawk |
Red-tailed Hawk |
American Kestrel |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Chimney Swift |
Belted Kingfisher |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Eastern Phoebe |
Blue-headed Vireo |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
Carolina Wren |
Winter Wren |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Gray-cheeked Thrush |
Swainson's Thrush |
Hermit Thrush |
American Robin |
Gray Catbird |
Northern Mockingbird |
European Starling |
Cedar Waxwing |
Northern Parula |
Magnolia Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
American Redstart |
Common Yellowthroat |
Scarlet Tanager |
Eastern Towhee |
Song Sparrow |
White-throated Sparrow |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Northern Cardinal |
Common Grackle |
Baltimore Oriole |
House Sparrow |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Great Blue Heron |
Green Heron |
Canada Goose |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
Gadwall |
American Black Duck |
Mallard |
Green-winged Teal |
Ruddy Duck |
Osprey |
Red-tailed Hawk |
Merlin |
Herring Gull |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo |
Chimney Swift |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Belted Kingfisher |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Eastern Wood-Pewee |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
Carolina Wren |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Swainson's Thrush |
American Robin |
Gray Catbird |
European Starling |
Cedar Waxwing |
Northern Parula |
Yellow Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
American Redstart |
Common Yellowthroat |
Scarlet Tanager |
Song Sparrow |
White-throated Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Common Grackle |
House Finch |
American Goldfinch |
House Sparrow |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Great Blue Heron |
Green Heron |
Canada Goose |
Mute Swan |
Wood Duck |
Mallard |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Cooper's Hawk |
Red-tailed Hawk |
American Kestrel |
Peregrine Falcon |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Ring-billed Gull |
Herring Gull |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Chimney Swift |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Eastern Wood-Pewee |
Eastern Phoebe |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Carolina Wren |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
Veery |
Gray-cheeked Thrush |
Swainson's Thrush |
Wood Thrush |
American Robin |
Gray Catbird |
Brown Thrasher |
European Starling |
Northern Parula |
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
Cape May Warbler |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
Pine Warbler |
Palm Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
American Redstart |
Connecticut Warbler |
Common Yellowthroat |
Scarlet Tanager |
White-throated Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Common Grackle |
Baltimore Oriole |
House Finch |
House Sparrow |