Saturday BBC walk led by Dennis
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Hrehowsik <>
To: Peter Dorosh <>
Cc: Rob Bate <>; Roberta <>; Tom Stephenson <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 30, 2017 08:26 PM
Subject: Fwd: eBird Report - Prospect Park, Sep 30, 2017
A dozen birders had an active start to the day with nearly a dozen warbler species on duck island where we spent over an hour.
Other highlights were Lincoln sparrow which you found on butterfly meadow Wilson's warbler indigo bunting a pair of king fisher and brown creeper.
A real team effort everyone in the group found birds and contributed to the species count of 60 within 15 warbler. We continued to work on out fall vocalizations and aged and sexed as many birds in the field as we could. A fun day with lots to talk about.
Today's list was kept by Lenny Goldstein.
Nice seeing you,
Prospect Park, Kings, New York, USSep 30, 2017 7:15 AM - 1:00 PMProtocol: Traveling2.0 mile(s)Comments: Dennis Hrehowsik leading Brooklyn Bird Club60 species (+3 other taxa)Canada Goose 20 including one smaller subspecies spotted by Tim on ball field in long meadowMute Swan 10Northern Shoveler 8Mallard 3American Black Duck 2Ruddy Duck 4Pied-billed Grebe 2Great Blue Heron 1Green Heron 1Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk 1 Very high flap flap glide flight style.Red-tailed Hawk 3American Coot 2Herring Gull 2Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 15Mourning Dove 4Chimney Swift 45Belted Kingfisher 3 rattle callRed-bellied Woodpecker 2Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2 baby crying callDowny Woodpecker 1Hairy Woodpecker 1 Heard near center drive.Northern Flicker 5Merlin 1 drop down when gliding one slash of side of head direct flight. Dark bird.Eastern Phoebe 4Red-eyed Vireo 1Blue Jay 10crow sp. 1Brown Creeper 1House Wren 1Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2Swainson's Thrush 3American Robin 45Gray Catbird 5Brown Thrasher 1 seen by Kathy Toomey, Dave from China and myself after the group endedNorthern Mockingbird 1European Starling 35Cedar Waxwing 2 Maybe more heardNorthern Waterthrush 1Black-and-white Warbler 3Nashville Warbler 2Common Yellowthroat 13American Redstart 5Northern Parula 3Magnolia Warbler 1Yellow Warbler 1Blackpoll Warbler 2Black-throated Blue Warbler 1Palm Warbler 3Yellow-rumped Warbler 5Black-throated Green Warbler 1 heard/seen by Chris L in butterfly meadow on lookoutWilson's Warbler 1White-throated Sparrow 1Song Sparrow 1Lincoln's Sparrow 2 second Lincoln seen by Kathy Toomey and myself in Sparrow Bowl after walk endedSwamp Sparrow 1Eastern Towhee 1Northern Cardinal 7Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1Indigo Bunting 2Red-winged Blackbird 2grackle sp. 1American Goldfinch 5House Sparrow 75View this checklist online at report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (