Leader : Bob Machover
Hi Peter et al,
For your curiosity and/or pleasure, here's my report on yesterday's trip. Due to various commitments (mine and other folks'), we only did four hours (8AM to noon). Besides me, participants were Emily Goldstein, Isabel Conte, James and Amy Cooke, Edith Goren and Julia Weinberger. Most of our time was spent at Negri-Nepote Grassland Preserve plus 45 minutes at the nearby Griggstown Grassland Preserve.
(G) Stands for Griggstown only.
1. Canada Goose - Several fly-overs.
2. Great Blue Heron - 2-3
3. Green Heron - 1 fly-over
4. Black Vulture - 2 (G)
5. Turkey Vulture - 4-5
6. Red-tailed Hawk - 1 perched on distant tower
7. Mourning Dove - several
8. Chimney Swift - 1
9. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2-3 heard
10. Northern Flicker - 3
11. Willow Flycatcher - 3 heard, 1 seen
12. Eastern Kingbird - 4 (two pairs)
13. Blue Jay - several
14. American Crow - several
15. Fish Crow - 1-2
16. Tree Swallow - abundant
17. Barn Swallow - a few
18. Tufted Titmouse - 3-4 heard, 1 seen
19. Carolina Wren - 1 heard
20. House Wren - many heard, 4-5 seen
21. Eastern Bluebird - 4-5
22. American Robin - abundant
23. Gray Catbird - common
24. Northern Mockingbird - 1-2
25. European Starling - 1 (probably more?)
26. Cedar Waxwing - several small flocks
27. Yellow Warbler - fairly common
28. Prairie Warbler - 2-3 heard
29. Common Yellowthroat - common
30. Eastern Towhee - 1-2
31. Chipping Sparrow - common
32. Field Sparrow - fairly common
33. Savannah Sparrow - 1 (sitting on wire for at least 10 minutes)
Grasshopper Sparrow - over 12, maybe as many as 18 (I've never seen/heard so many in one place before)
35. Song Sparrow - several
36. Northern Cardinal - several
Blue Grosbeak - 1 adult male (great looks)
38. Indigo Bunting - common
39. Red-winged Blackbird - common
40. Common Grackle - several
41. Brown-headed Cowbird - a few
42. Orchard Oriole - pair - male and female, probable nest (G)
43. Baltimore Oriole - several
44. House Finch - a few
45. American Goldfinch - fairly common
46. House Sparrow - 1 female in meadow (unusual habitat) (G)
A good day....especially with the surprising Blue Grosbeak and the hordes of Grasshopper Sparrows.