The walk concludes the festive celebration of the club's 100th year.
leader : Peter Dorosh
9 participants
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 12/27/09
Number of species: 39
Canada Goose X lake
Mute Swan 6 lake
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 150 lake
Double-crested Cormorant 1 lake
Cooper's Hawk 1 Bartel Pritchard
Red-tailed Hawk 3--1 north woods f/o; 2 f/o boathouse
American Coot X lake
Ring-billed Gull 1200 lake
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull 27 lake
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 --1 vale cashmere;1 feeders
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2-- 1 LP 249; 1 vale cashmere
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow 1 f/o zoo
Fish Crow 2 f/o zoo
Black-capped Chickadee 3 --2 Vale Cashmere,one feeders
Tufted Titmouse 2 -1 feeders;1 Vale Cashmere
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 feeders
White-breasted Nuthatch 2--one Valecashmere; one feeders
Winter Wren 1 Zoo
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 LP 249
Hermit Thrush 1 vale cashmere
American Robin 6 zoo
Northern Mockingbird 1 boathouse
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1 lily pool
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow 1 vale cashmere
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird 5 f/o boathouse
Common Grackle 1 boathouse
American Goldfinch 2 zoo
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
A "field book" of day (or occasional weekend)sightings of previous field trips led by skilled leaders to various habitats and locales within and beyond Brooklyn and NYC boundaries. Founded in 1909 , BBC Birding has provided enjoyment for over 100 years!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
December 19th Brooklyn Christmas Bird Count
The final tally was 123 species
The breakdown by regions and species can be seen on the follwing link:
The breakdown by regions and species can be seen on the follwing link:
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December 12th: Classic Leader Trip-- Floyd Bennett Field
Leaders: Jean and Ron Bourque
(field report compiled by Donna Evans)
BBC Field Trip 12 Dec 2009
Floyd Bennett Field
leaders: Jean & Ron Bourque
Lenore Swenson
"Rusty" Harold
Emily Goldstein
Mary Eyster
Bob O'Neill
Bob Washburn
Michael Yuan
Geri Ness
Donna Evans
Bird Sightings:
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Canada Goose
Mute Swan (pair, fly over)
Am. Wigeon
Am. Black Duck
Red-breasted Merganser
N. Harrier (2; 1 a Grey Ghost)
Red-tailed Hawk
Am. Kestrel
Killdeer (heard)
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker (heard)
Am. Crow
Horned Lark (flock of ...30? -- check with Ron)
Black-capped Chickadee
Carolina Wren (heard)
Am. Robin
Grey Catbird
N. Mockingbird
Eur. Starling
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Am. Tree Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
N. Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
E. Meadowlark (1)
House Finch
House Sparrow
[total 43 species]
(field report compiled by Donna Evans)
BBC Field Trip 12 Dec 2009
Floyd Bennett Field
leaders: Jean & Ron Bourque
Lenore Swenson
"Rusty" Harold
Emily Goldstein
Mary Eyster
Bob O'Neill
Bob Washburn
Michael Yuan
Geri Ness
Donna Evans
Bird Sightings:
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Canada Goose
Mute Swan (pair, fly over)
Am. Wigeon
Am. Black Duck
Red-breasted Merganser
N. Harrier (2; 1 a Grey Ghost)
Red-tailed Hawk
Am. Kestrel
Killdeer (heard)
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker (heard)
Am. Crow
Horned Lark (flock of ...30? -- check with Ron)
Black-capped Chickadee
Carolina Wren (heard)
Am. Robin
Grey Catbird
N. Mockingbird
Eur. Starling
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Am. Tree Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
N. Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
E. Meadowlark (1)
House Finch
House Sparrow
[total 43 species]
Saturday, December 12, 2009
November 29th Prospect Park Centennial walk
Leader : Peter Dorosh
14 participants
Sunday, November 29, 2009
November 29th Prospect reports ; BBC walk
On a day known more for some quality than quantity, I led the Brooklyn Bird Club walk with 14 people having a good time outside on this gorgeous day. With things quite slow in the early part of the walk that started at Bartel Pritchard Square, a few early good moments surfaced, all with south Lookout Hill involved.
On the middle or mid slope south path, a Red-tailed Hawk cooperated nicely, perched on a dead broken limb for all to see. At the bottom, along Lamppost 249, we delighted in watching an AMERICAN TREE SPARROW worked along the shrub edges , finally entering the chain link compound for the new picnic area. And ORANGED-CROWNED WARBLER did it again ! Although first seen in the phragmite edges by a multiflora shrub before hiding deeper in, it eventually sprung out and flew into the mulberry between the Magnolia trees and Ginkgo grove, the fourth straight day it appeared. Only several birders saw it since it was moving quite quickly and elusively.
Later noted sightings included Ring-necked Duck with a pair of Buffleheads in the Upper Pool; and another American Tree Sparrow on the horse path above the Boathouse;2 Wood ducks, each at Three Sister Islands and north Lullwater.
total # species 40
American Tree Sparrow profile:
Orange-crowned Warbler profile:
trip leader: peter
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 11/29/09
Number of species: 40
Canada Goose X lake
Mute Swan X lake
Wood Duck 2-drake on Three Sisters; drake north Lullwater
American Black Duck 3-2 lullwater
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X lake
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake Upper Pool
Bufflehead 2 , mixed pair Upper Pool
Ruddy Duck 75 lake
Pied-billed Grebe 2 lake
Great Blue Heron 1 Upper Pool
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 f/o upper pool
Cooper's Hawk 1 f/o rink
Red-tailed Hawk 1 perched south lookout hill
American Coot X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X lookout
Brown Creeper 1 lookout south
Carolina Wren 1 boathouse
American Robin X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X lookout
Orange-crowned Warbler 1 well drive /lamppost 249 (rare)
American Tree Sparrow 2-- LP 249; Boathouse (uncommon)
Fox Sparrow (Red) 1 lamppost 249
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X lullwater
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X butterfly meadow; lullwater
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
14 participants
Sunday, November 29, 2009
November 29th Prospect reports ; BBC walk
On a day known more for some quality than quantity, I led the Brooklyn Bird Club walk with 14 people having a good time outside on this gorgeous day. With things quite slow in the early part of the walk that started at Bartel Pritchard Square, a few early good moments surfaced, all with south Lookout Hill involved.
On the middle or mid slope south path, a Red-tailed Hawk cooperated nicely, perched on a dead broken limb for all to see. At the bottom, along Lamppost 249, we delighted in watching an AMERICAN TREE SPARROW worked along the shrub edges , finally entering the chain link compound for the new picnic area. And ORANGED-CROWNED WARBLER did it again ! Although first seen in the phragmite edges by a multiflora shrub before hiding deeper in, it eventually sprung out and flew into the mulberry between the Magnolia trees and Ginkgo grove, the fourth straight day it appeared. Only several birders saw it since it was moving quite quickly and elusively.
Later noted sightings included Ring-necked Duck with a pair of Buffleheads in the Upper Pool; and another American Tree Sparrow on the horse path above the Boathouse;2 Wood ducks, each at Three Sister Islands and north Lullwater.
total # species 40
American Tree Sparrow profile:
Orange-crowned Warbler profile:
trip leader: peter
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 11/29/09
Number of species: 40
Canada Goose X lake
Mute Swan X lake
Wood Duck 2-drake on Three Sisters; drake north Lullwater
American Black Duck 3-2 lullwater
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X lake
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake Upper Pool
Bufflehead 2 , mixed pair Upper Pool
Ruddy Duck 75 lake
Pied-billed Grebe 2 lake
Great Blue Heron 1 Upper Pool
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 f/o upper pool
Cooper's Hawk 1 f/o rink
Red-tailed Hawk 1 perched south lookout hill
American Coot X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X lookout
Brown Creeper 1 lookout south
Carolina Wren 1 boathouse
American Robin X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X lookout
Orange-crowned Warbler 1 well drive /lamppost 249 (rare)
American Tree Sparrow 2-- LP 249; Boathouse (uncommon)
Fox Sparrow (Red) 1 lamppost 249
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X lullwater
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X butterfly meadow; lullwater
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Sunday, November 29, 2009
November 21st The Meadowlands tour
Leader :Peter Dorosh
11 particpants
( lists generated by Rusty Harold)
Overpeck County Park--Palisades Park, US-NJ, Bergen
Canada Goose
X Mallard
2 Bufflehead
X Double-crested Cormorant
X Great Blue Heron
X Red-tailed Hawk
X Ring-billed Gull
X Herring Gull
X Mourning Dove
X Monk Parakeet
X Belted Kingfisher
X Red-bellied Woodpecker
X Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
X Downy Woodpecker
X American Crow
X Black-capped Chickadee
X Carolina Wren
X Golden-crowned Kinglet
X American Robin
X Northern Mockingbird
X European Starling
X Eastern Towhee
X Fox Sparrow
X Song Sparrow
2 Swamp Sparrow
X White-throated Sparrow
X Northern Cardinal
X Common Grackle
X House Finch
X American Goldfinch
Meadowlands IBA--Mehrhof Pond (restricted access), US-NJ, Bergen
Canada Goose
X Gadwall
X Mallard
X Northern Shoveler
X Green-winged Teal
X Lesser Scaup
X Hooded Merganser
X Ruddy Duck
X Pied-billed Grebe
X Double-crested Cormorant
X Great Blue Heron
X Sharp-shinned Hawk
X Ring-billed Gull DE
X Red-bellied Woodpecker
X Northern Flicker
X Blue Jay
X Carolina Wren
X Song Sparrow
X White-throated Sparrow
Meadowlands IBA--Mill Creek Marsh, US-NJ, Hudson
Canada Goose
X Mallard
X Northern Shoveler
X Green-winged Teal
X Hooded Merganser
X Greater Yellowlegs
X Ring-billed Gull
X Herring Gull
X Rock Pigeon
X Mourning Dove
Richard W. Dekorte Park, US-NJ, Bergen
Mute Swan
X Gadwall
X American Black Duck
X Mallard
X Northern Shoveler
X Northern Pintail
X Green-winged Teal
X Bufflehead
X Common Merganser
X Ruddy Duck
X Great Blue Heron
X Red-tailed Hawk
X Greater Yellowlegs
X Great Black-backed Gull
X Belted Kingfisher
X Ruby-crowned Kinglet
X American Robin
X European Starling
X Dark-eyed Junco
X House Finch
X American Goldfinch
X House Sparrow
11 particpants
( lists generated by Rusty Harold)
Overpeck County Park--Palisades Park, US-NJ, Bergen
Canada Goose
X Mallard
2 Bufflehead
X Double-crested Cormorant
X Great Blue Heron
X Red-tailed Hawk
X Ring-billed Gull
X Herring Gull
X Mourning Dove
X Monk Parakeet
X Belted Kingfisher
X Red-bellied Woodpecker
X Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
X Downy Woodpecker
X American Crow
X Black-capped Chickadee
X Carolina Wren
X Golden-crowned Kinglet
X American Robin
X Northern Mockingbird
X European Starling
X Eastern Towhee
X Fox Sparrow
X Song Sparrow
2 Swamp Sparrow
X White-throated Sparrow
X Northern Cardinal
X Common Grackle
X House Finch
X American Goldfinch
Meadowlands IBA--Mehrhof Pond (restricted access), US-NJ, Bergen
Canada Goose
X Gadwall
X Mallard
X Northern Shoveler
X Green-winged Teal
X Lesser Scaup
X Hooded Merganser
X Ruddy Duck
X Pied-billed Grebe
X Double-crested Cormorant
X Great Blue Heron
X Sharp-shinned Hawk
X Ring-billed Gull DE
X Red-bellied Woodpecker
X Northern Flicker
X Blue Jay
X Carolina Wren
X Song Sparrow
X White-throated Sparrow
Meadowlands IBA--Mill Creek Marsh, US-NJ, Hudson
Canada Goose
X Mallard
X Northern Shoveler
X Green-winged Teal
X Hooded Merganser
X Greater Yellowlegs
X Ring-billed Gull
X Herring Gull
X Rock Pigeon
X Mourning Dove
Richard W. Dekorte Park, US-NJ, Bergen
Mute Swan
X Gadwall
X American Black Duck
X Mallard
X Northern Shoveler
X Northern Pintail
X Green-winged Teal
X Bufflehead
X Common Merganser
X Ruddy Duck
X Great Blue Heron
X Red-tailed Hawk
X Greater Yellowlegs
X Great Black-backed Gull
X Belted Kingfisher
X Ruby-crowned Kinglet
X American Robin
X European Starling
X Dark-eyed Junco
X House Finch
X American Goldfinch
X House Sparrow
Saturday, November 14, 2009
November 14th Jones Beach
"Honorary Classic Leader "
Leader : Ed Crowne
Rock pigeon
Ring-billed gull
American crow
Red-breasted merganser
Great black-backed gull
American oystercatcher
Herring gull
Double-crested cormorant
Northern mockingbird
Black-bellied plover
Northern harrier
Common loon
White-winged scoter
Black duck
Common eider
Laughing gull
Yellow-rumped warbler
Song sparrow
Mourning dove
Red-winged blackbird
House sparrow
Canada goose
Tree swallow
Snow bunting
Northern Gannet
Semi-palmated plover
House finch
Harlequin Duck
Red-tailed hawk
European starling
Leader : Ed Crowne
Rock pigeon
Ring-billed gull
American crow
Red-breasted merganser
Great black-backed gull
American oystercatcher
Herring gull
Double-crested cormorant
Northern mockingbird
Black-bellied plover
Northern harrier
Common loon
White-winged scoter
Black duck
Common eider
Laughing gull
Yellow-rumped warbler
Song sparrow
Mourning dove
Red-winged blackbird
House sparrow
Canada goose
Tree swallow
Snow bunting
Northern Gannet
Semi-palmated plover
House finch
Harlequin Duck
Red-tailed hawk
European starling
November 8th "A trip to Somewhere"
Leader : Steve Nanz
Coastal Brooklyn; Rockaway Peninsula
Hilights: Red-Necked Grebe in Sheepshead Bay, Common Eider in Breezy Point
BBC field trip "Trip to Somewhere" -- led by Steve Nanz
8 Nov 2008
Plum Beach, Floyd Bennett Field, Fort Tilden, Breezy Point
Loon (sp)
Common Loon
Red-necked Grebe
Northern Gannet
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
American Black Duck
Green-winged Teal
Common Eider
Red-breasted Merganser
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-necked Pheasant
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Northern Flicker
American Crow
Horned Lark (9)
Eastern Bluebird
Northern Mockingbird
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Brown-headed Cowbird (flock of approx. 500 with Starlings)
European Starling
American Goldfinch
Coastal Brooklyn; Rockaway Peninsula
Hilights: Red-Necked Grebe in Sheepshead Bay, Common Eider in Breezy Point
BBC field trip "Trip to Somewhere" -- led by Steve Nanz
8 Nov 2008
Plum Beach, Floyd Bennett Field, Fort Tilden, Breezy Point
Loon (sp)
Common Loon
Red-necked Grebe
Northern Gannet
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
American Black Duck
Green-winged Teal
Common Eider
Red-breasted Merganser
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-necked Pheasant
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Northern Flicker
American Crow
Horned Lark (9)
Eastern Bluebird
Northern Mockingbird
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Brown-headed Cowbird (flock of approx. 500 with Starlings)
European Starling
American Goldfinch
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Haunts of the Rockaway Inlet
Trip List for Saturday 31 Oct 2009
Brooklyn BirdClub : Plum Beach, Floyd Bennett, Fort Tilden, Breezy Point
Leader: Bob Gochfeld
participants: J. Schumacher, S. Paci, B. Washburn, B. O'Neill, R. Harold, D. Evans
common loon
double-crested cormorant
great egret
mute swan
canada goose
green-winged teal
black duck
scoter sp. (flying low over water)
sharp-shinned hawk
cooper's hawk (seen from Ocean Parkway)
american kestrel
peregrine falcon (late entry!)
plover sp.- probably black-bellied (distance too great to be certain)
american oystercatcher
laughing gull
ring-billed gull
herring gull
greater black-backed gull
northern gannet
rock dove
mourning dove
tree swallow
american crow
house wren
hermit thrush
american robin
grey catbird
northern mockingbird
cedar waxwing
yellow-rumped warbler
northern cardinal
rufous-sided towhee (heard)
white-throated sparrow
white-crowned sparrow
song sparrow
red-winged blackbird
house finch
american goldfinch
house sparrow
Brooklyn BirdClub : Plum Beach, Floyd Bennett, Fort Tilden, Breezy Point
Leader: Bob Gochfeld
participants: J. Schumacher, S. Paci, B. Washburn, B. O'Neill, R. Harold, D. Evans
common loon
double-crested cormorant
great egret
mute swan
canada goose
green-winged teal
black duck
scoter sp. (flying low over water)
sharp-shinned hawk
cooper's hawk (seen from Ocean Parkway)
american kestrel
peregrine falcon (late entry!)
plover sp.- probably black-bellied (distance too great to be certain)
american oystercatcher
laughing gull
ring-billed gull
herring gull
greater black-backed gull
northern gannet
rock dove
mourning dove
tree swallow
american crow
house wren
hermit thrush
american robin
grey catbird
northern mockingbird
cedar waxwing
yellow-rumped warbler
northern cardinal
rufous-sided towhee (heard)
white-throated sparrow
white-crowned sparrow
song sparrow
red-winged blackbird
house finch
american goldfinch
house sparrow
Monday, October 19, 2009
October 17th Caumsett State Park, Long Island north coast
Leader: Sandy Paci
Brooklyn Bird Club Field Trip
Caumsett State Park Oct. 17, 2009
Sandy Paci (leader), Lenore Swenson, Suzanne Ortiz, John Cristiciello,
Rusty Harold, Donna Evans, Hilary Salk
1 Brant
2 Canada Goose
3 Mute Swan
4 Black Duck
5 Mallard
6 Surf Scoter (flock of 8 to 10 flying west on LI Sound)
7 Common Loon (2 on LI Sound & 1 flyover)
8 DC Cormorant
9 Great Blue Heron
10 Great Egret
11 Osprey
12 Northern Harrier
13 Sharp Shinned Hawk
14 Cooper's Hawk
15 Red-tailed Hawk (multiple)
16 American Kestrel
17 Merlin (1 ind seen several times, including dogfight w/5 Crows)
18 Killdeer (flock of 6 calling in flight, late afternoon)
19 Dunlin (flock of 6 on beach of LI Sound)
20 Laughing Gull
21 Ring Billed Gull
22 Herring Gull
23 Great Black Backed Gull
24 Rock Pigeon
25 Mourning Dove
26 Yellow Billed Cuckoo (heard only --"tuk-tuk" -- in several spots)
27 Belted Kingfisher
28 Red Bellied Woodpecker
29 Downy Woodpecker
30 Hairy Woodpecker
31 Northern Flicker
32 Eastern Wood PeeWee
33 Eastern Phoebe
34 Eastern Kingbird
35 Blue Headed Vireo
36 American Crow (group of 5 defended Meadowlark, attacked Merlin & drove it from area)
37 Blue Jay
38 Black Capped Chickadee (heard only)
39 Tufted Titmouse (heard only)
40 White Breasted Nuthatch
41 Carolina Wren (heard only)
42 Golden Crowned Kinglet
43 Ruby Crowned Kinglet
44 Hermit Thrush
45 American Robin
46 Gray Catbird (heard only)
47 Northern Mockingbird
48 European Starling
49 Cedar Waxwing
50 Black Throated Blue Warbler (1 female)
51 Yellow Rumped Warbler (numerous)
52 Black Throated Green Warbler
53 Palm Warbler (multiple, seen several spots)
54 Common Yellowthroat
55 Eastern Towhee (heard only)
56 Chipping Sparrow
57 Savannah Sparrow
58 Song Sparrow
59 Swamp Sparrow
60 White Throated Sparrow
61 White Crowned Sparrow (multiple adults & juveniles, great looks in several spots, prob. 8-10 inds altogether)
62 Dark Eyed Junco
63 Northern Cardinal
64 Indigo Bunting (heard only)
65 Eastern Meadowlark (2 inds, 1 attacked by Merlin & defended by Crows!)
66 Baltimore Oriole (1 male)
67 American Goldfinch (flock flyover & heard)
68 House Sparrow
Brooklyn Bird Club Field Trip
Caumsett State Park Oct. 17, 2009
Sandy Paci (leader), Lenore Swenson, Suzanne Ortiz, John Cristiciello,
Rusty Harold, Donna Evans, Hilary Salk
1 Brant
2 Canada Goose
3 Mute Swan
4 Black Duck
5 Mallard
6 Surf Scoter (flock of 8 to 10 flying west on LI Sound)
7 Common Loon (2 on LI Sound & 1 flyover)
8 DC Cormorant
9 Great Blue Heron
10 Great Egret
11 Osprey
12 Northern Harrier
13 Sharp Shinned Hawk
14 Cooper's Hawk
15 Red-tailed Hawk (multiple)
16 American Kestrel
17 Merlin (1 ind seen several times, including dogfight w/5 Crows)
18 Killdeer (flock of 6 calling in flight, late afternoon)
19 Dunlin (flock of 6 on beach of LI Sound)
20 Laughing Gull
21 Ring Billed Gull
22 Herring Gull
23 Great Black Backed Gull
24 Rock Pigeon
25 Mourning Dove
26 Yellow Billed Cuckoo (heard only --"tuk-tuk" -- in several spots)
27 Belted Kingfisher
28 Red Bellied Woodpecker
29 Downy Woodpecker
30 Hairy Woodpecker
31 Northern Flicker
32 Eastern Wood PeeWee
33 Eastern Phoebe
34 Eastern Kingbird
35 Blue Headed Vireo
36 American Crow (group of 5 defended Meadowlark, attacked Merlin & drove it from area)
37 Blue Jay
38 Black Capped Chickadee (heard only)
39 Tufted Titmouse (heard only)
40 White Breasted Nuthatch
41 Carolina Wren (heard only)
42 Golden Crowned Kinglet
43 Ruby Crowned Kinglet
44 Hermit Thrush
45 American Robin
46 Gray Catbird (heard only)
47 Northern Mockingbird
48 European Starling
49 Cedar Waxwing
50 Black Throated Blue Warbler (1 female)
51 Yellow Rumped Warbler (numerous)
52 Black Throated Green Warbler
53 Palm Warbler (multiple, seen several spots)
54 Common Yellowthroat
55 Eastern Towhee (heard only)
56 Chipping Sparrow
57 Savannah Sparrow
58 Song Sparrow
59 Swamp Sparrow
60 White Throated Sparrow
61 White Crowned Sparrow (multiple adults & juveniles, great looks in several spots, prob. 8-10 inds altogether)
62 Dark Eyed Junco
63 Northern Cardinal
64 Indigo Bunting (heard only)
65 Eastern Meadowlark (2 inds, 1 attacked by Merlin & defended by Crows!)
66 Baltimore Oriole (1 male)
67 American Goldfinch (flock flyover & heard)
68 House Sparrow
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
October 10th, Prospect Park
October 10th, Prospect Park
Leader : Tom Stephenson
Here's a list of what we saw yesterday. We had about 10 people for the trip. It threatened rain and drizzled a bit now and then, but all in all a nice fall day.
We had 10 species of warblers, but oddly, very few sparrows...Not even large numbers of White-throats yet.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Ruddy Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-billed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Blue-headed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Swainson's Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Leader : Tom Stephenson
Here's a list of what we saw yesterday. We had about 10 people for the trip. It threatened rain and drizzled a bit now and then, but all in all a nice fall day.
We had 10 species of warblers, but oddly, very few sparrows...Not even large numbers of White-throats yet.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Ruddy Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-billed Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Blue-headed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Swainson's Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Thursday, October 8, 2009
October 4th End to End Bridge birding
Fort Tilden to Riis Park to Floyd Bennett
Leader:Peter Dorosh
(note: this trip was postponed from October 3rd)
35 Canada Goose
36 Double-crested Cormorant
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
1 Black Skimmer
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Eastern Phoebe
American Crow
Tree Swallow
1 Golden-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
1 Cedar Waxwing
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Palm Warbler
1 Blackpoll Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
29 Savannah Sparrow
5 Song Sparrow
1 Lincoln's Sparrow
1 White-throated Sparrow
1 Eastern Towhee
Song Sparrow
3 Northern Cardinal
8 Brown-headed Cowbird
5 American Goldfinch
4 House Finch
House Sparrow
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Tree Swallow
1 Brown Creeper
1 Carolina Wren
1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Brown Thrasher
Leader:Peter Dorosh
(note: this trip was postponed from October 3rd)
35 Canada Goose
36 Double-crested Cormorant
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
1 Black Skimmer
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Eastern Phoebe
American Crow
Tree Swallow
1 Golden-crowned Kinglet
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
1 Cedar Waxwing
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Palm Warbler
1 Blackpoll Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
29 Savannah Sparrow
5 Song Sparrow
1 Lincoln's Sparrow
1 White-throated Sparrow
1 Eastern Towhee
Song Sparrow
3 Northern Cardinal
8 Brown-headed Cowbird
5 American Goldfinch
4 House Finch
House Sparrow
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Tree Swallow
1 Brown Creeper
1 Carolina Wren
1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Brown Thrasher
Sunday, September 27, 2009
September 26th Sandy Hook
Brooklyn Bird Club Trip
Leader : Bob Machover
Sandy Hook & Hackensack Meadowlands
September 26, 2009
Weather cool and sunny to start, SE winds; then mostly cloudy and even windier later. Sandy Hook from 8AM to 12:30PM and the Meadowlands (De Korte Park) from 2PM to 4:45PM.
As usual, numbers are based on rough impressions.
HM = Hackensack Meadowlands
SH = Sandy Hook
1. Canada Goose: SH – 50
2. Gadwall: HM – 15
3. American Black Duck: HM – 6
4. Mallard: HM – 60
5. Northern Shoveler: HM – 2? (I missed this)
6. Northern Pintail: HM – 50
7. Green-winged Teal: HM – 80
8. Double-crested Cormorant: SH – 25 HM – 60
9. Great Blue Heron: HM – 4
10. Great Egret: SH – 1 HM – 80
11. Snowy Egret: SH – 4 HM – 110
12. Turkey Vulture: 2 en route
13. Cooper’s Hawk: HM – 1 Large female stooping on shorebirds
14. American Kestrel: SH – 1
15. Sora: HM – 1 Juvenile, extremely close, leisurely looks, many photos taken
16. Black-bellied Plover: SH – 1 (heard) HM – 5
17. Semipalmated Plover: SH – 8 on beach at end of fisherman’s trail
18. Killdeer: SH – on lawn at lot K
19. American Oystercatcher: SH – 1 on beach at Plum Island
20. Greater Yellowlegs: HM – 12
21. Lesser Yellowlegs: HM – 120
22. Sanderling: SH – 2 on beach at end of fisherman’s trail
23. Semipalmated Sandpiper: HM – 15
24. Least Sandpiper: HM – 3
25. Stilt Sandpiper: HM – 1
26. Long-billed Dowitcher: HM – 3
27. Laughing Gull: SH – 8 HM – 40
28. Ring-billed Gull: SH – 20 HM – 50
29. Herring Gull: SH – 60 HM – 30
30. Great Black-backed Gull: SH – 50 HM – 4
31. Rock Pigeon
32. Mourning Dove
33. Downy Woodpecker: SH – 3
34. Northern Flicker: SH – 12
35. Eastern Wood-Pewee: SH – 2
36. Eastern Phoebe: SH – 10
37. Blue-headed Vireo: SH – 1
38. Red-eyed Vireo: SH – 4
39. Blue Jay: SH – 10 (heard only)
40. American Crow: SH – 12 (mostly heard)
41. Tree Swallow: SH – 200
42. Black-capped/Carolina Chickadee: SH – 2
43. Brown Creeper: SH - 1
44. Carolina Wren: SH – 6 (heard only) HM – 1 (heard)
45. Winter Wren: SH – 1 (heard only)
46. Golden-crowned Kinglet: SH – 1
47. Ruby-crowned Kinglet: SH – 4
48. American Robin: SH – 45 HM – 10
49. Gray Catbird: SH – 5
50. Northern Mockingbird: SH – 6 HM – 6
51. European Starling
52. Cedar Waxing: SH – 150
53. Northern Parula: SH – 25
54. Yellow-rumped Warbler: SH – 8 HM – 2
55. Black-throated Green Warbler: SH – 4
56. Palm Warbler: SH – 1
Notes: 1. Other birders at Sandy Hook reported Black-throated Blue, Magnolia, Black-and-white, etc.
2. Connecticut Warbler: SH – 1 (We missed it as did other birders but I’m sure there was at least one, so I figure I’d mention it)
57. Scarlet Tanager: SH – 2
58. Eastern Towhee: SH – 5 (heard only)
59. Chipping Sparrow: SH – 4
60. Savannah Sparrow: SH – 1 HM – 8
61. Song Sparrow: SH – 1
62. Swamp Sparrow: SH – 1
63. White-throated Sparrow: SH – 6
64. Northern Cardinal: SH – 1 (low)
65. Indigo Bunting: SH – 2
66. Red-winged Blackbird: HM – 80
67. Baltimore Oriole: SH – 1
68. House Sparrow: HM – 10
Butterflies (all at SH)
Cabbage White, Monarch, American Copper, Orange Sulphur, Question Mark
Leader : Bob Machover
Sandy Hook & Hackensack Meadowlands
September 26, 2009
Weather cool and sunny to start, SE winds; then mostly cloudy and even windier later. Sandy Hook from 8AM to 12:30PM and the Meadowlands (De Korte Park) from 2PM to 4:45PM.
As usual, numbers are based on rough impressions.
HM = Hackensack Meadowlands
SH = Sandy Hook
1. Canada Goose: SH – 50
2. Gadwall: HM – 15
3. American Black Duck: HM – 6
4. Mallard: HM – 60
5. Northern Shoveler: HM – 2? (I missed this)
6. Northern Pintail: HM – 50
7. Green-winged Teal: HM – 80
8. Double-crested Cormorant: SH – 25 HM – 60
9. Great Blue Heron: HM – 4
10. Great Egret: SH – 1 HM – 80
11. Snowy Egret: SH – 4 HM – 110
12. Turkey Vulture: 2 en route
13. Cooper’s Hawk: HM – 1 Large female stooping on shorebirds
14. American Kestrel: SH – 1
15. Sora: HM – 1 Juvenile, extremely close, leisurely looks, many photos taken
16. Black-bellied Plover: SH – 1 (heard) HM – 5
17. Semipalmated Plover: SH – 8 on beach at end of fisherman’s trail
18. Killdeer: SH – on lawn at lot K
19. American Oystercatcher: SH – 1 on beach at Plum Island
20. Greater Yellowlegs: HM – 12
21. Lesser Yellowlegs: HM – 120
22. Sanderling: SH – 2 on beach at end of fisherman’s trail
23. Semipalmated Sandpiper: HM – 15
24. Least Sandpiper: HM – 3
25. Stilt Sandpiper: HM – 1
26. Long-billed Dowitcher: HM – 3
27. Laughing Gull: SH – 8 HM – 40
28. Ring-billed Gull: SH – 20 HM – 50
29. Herring Gull: SH – 60 HM – 30
30. Great Black-backed Gull: SH – 50 HM – 4
31. Rock Pigeon
32. Mourning Dove
33. Downy Woodpecker: SH – 3
34. Northern Flicker: SH – 12
35. Eastern Wood-Pewee: SH – 2
36. Eastern Phoebe: SH – 10
37. Blue-headed Vireo: SH – 1
38. Red-eyed Vireo: SH – 4
39. Blue Jay: SH – 10 (heard only)
40. American Crow: SH – 12 (mostly heard)
41. Tree Swallow: SH – 200
42. Black-capped/Carolina Chickadee: SH – 2
43. Brown Creeper: SH - 1
44. Carolina Wren: SH – 6 (heard only) HM – 1 (heard)
45. Winter Wren: SH – 1 (heard only)
46. Golden-crowned Kinglet: SH – 1
47. Ruby-crowned Kinglet: SH – 4
48. American Robin: SH – 45 HM – 10
49. Gray Catbird: SH – 5
50. Northern Mockingbird: SH – 6 HM – 6
51. European Starling
52. Cedar Waxing: SH – 150
53. Northern Parula: SH – 25
54. Yellow-rumped Warbler: SH – 8 HM – 2
55. Black-throated Green Warbler: SH – 4
56. Palm Warbler: SH – 1
Notes: 1. Other birders at Sandy Hook reported Black-throated Blue, Magnolia, Black-and-white, etc.
2. Connecticut Warbler: SH – 1 (We missed it as did other birders but I’m sure there was at least one, so I figure I’d mention it)
57. Scarlet Tanager: SH – 2
58. Eastern Towhee: SH – 5 (heard only)
59. Chipping Sparrow: SH – 4
60. Savannah Sparrow: SH – 1 HM – 8
61. Song Sparrow: SH – 1
62. Swamp Sparrow: SH – 1
63. White-throated Sparrow: SH – 6
64. Northern Cardinal: SH – 1 (low)
65. Indigo Bunting: SH – 2
66. Red-winged Blackbird: HM – 80
67. Baltimore Oriole: SH – 1
68. House Sparrow: HM – 10
Butterflies (all at SH)
Cabbage White, Monarch, American Copper, Orange Sulphur, Question Mark
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hudson River 400th Anniversary weekend Sept 18th-20th

Celebrating Henry Hudson's "discovery " of the River by a European, in September to October 1609
TripLeader: Peter Dorosh
(photo credit: Sandy Paci)
Mary Eyster, Sandy Paci, John Criscitello, Suzanne Ortiz, Kellie Quinones, Linda Delotto, Janet Schumacher, Donna Evans
Total miles walked : 15.75
A course in history :Henry Hudson journey up the Hudson River in 1609
Locations birded ( in order) : Day 1: Hook Mountain, Moodna Creek, Kowawese Unique Area, day 2: Ramshorn-Livinston Preserve, Harrier Hill (Stockport), Station Road/Stockport Flats, Olana National Historic Site, Day 3: Tivoli Bays (Kidd Lane) WMA, Constitution Marsh, and Croton Point.
x Canada Goose
x Mute Swan
x Wood Duck
x American Black Duck
x Mallard
x Pied-billed Grebe
x Double-crested Cormorant
x Great Blue Heron
x Great Egret
x Little Blue Heron
x Green Heron
x Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
x Osprey
x Bald Eagle
x Northern Harrier
x Sharp-shinned Hawk
x Cooper's Hawk
x Red-shouldered Hawk
x Red-tailed Hawk
x American Kestrel
x Peregrine Falcon
Wild Turkey
x Killdeer
x Spotted Sandpiper
x Least Sandpiper
x Ring-billed Gull
x Herring Gull
x Great Black-backed Gull
x Rock Pigeon
x Mourning Dove
x Chimney Swift
x Ruby-throated Hummingbird
x Belted Kingfisher
x Red-bellied Woodpecker
x Downy Woodpecker
x Hairy Woodpecker
x Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
x Eastern Wood-Pewee
x Alder Flycatcher
x Eastern Phoebe
x Yellow-throated Vireo
x Blue-headed Vireo
x Red-eyed Vireo
x Blue Jay
x American Crow
x Raven
x Tree Swallow
x Black-capped Chickadee
x Tufted Titmouse
x White-breasted Nuthatch
x Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
x Swainson's Thrush
x Wood Thrush
x American Robin
x Gray Catbird
x Northern Mockingbird
x European Starling
x Cedar Waxwing
x Nashville Warbler
x Northern Parula
x Magnolia Warbler
x Black-throated Green Warbler
x Prairie Warbler
x Palm Warbler
x Black-and-white Warbler
x American Redstart
x Ovenbird
x Common Yellowthroat
x Baypoll sp.
x Scarlet Tanager
x Eastern Towhee
x Chipping Sparrow
x Field Sparrow
x Vesper Sparrow
x Savannah Sparrow
x Song Sparrow
x Lincoln's Sparrow
x Northern Cardinal
x Red-winged Blackbird
x Common Grackle
x Brown-headed Cowbird
x Baltimore Oriole
x House Finch
x American Goldfinch
x House Sparrow
Total species reported: 87
Total miles walked : 15.75
A course in history :Henry Hudson journey up the Hudson River in 1609
Locations birded ( in order) : Day 1: Hook Mountain, Moodna Creek, Kowawese Unique Area, day 2: Ramshorn-Livinston Preserve, Harrier Hill (Stockport), Station Road/Stockport Flats, Olana National Historic Site, Day 3: Tivoli Bays (Kidd Lane) WMA, Constitution Marsh, and Croton Point.
x Canada Goose
x Mute Swan
x Wood Duck
x American Black Duck
x Mallard
x Pied-billed Grebe
x Double-crested Cormorant
x Great Blue Heron
x Great Egret
x Little Blue Heron
x Green Heron
x Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
x Osprey
x Bald Eagle
x Northern Harrier
x Sharp-shinned Hawk
x Cooper's Hawk
x Red-shouldered Hawk
x Red-tailed Hawk
x American Kestrel
x Peregrine Falcon
Wild Turkey
x Killdeer
x Spotted Sandpiper
x Least Sandpiper
x Ring-billed Gull
x Herring Gull
x Great Black-backed Gull
x Rock Pigeon
x Mourning Dove
x Chimney Swift
x Ruby-throated Hummingbird
x Belted Kingfisher
x Red-bellied Woodpecker
x Downy Woodpecker
x Hairy Woodpecker
x Northern Flicker
Pileated Woodpecker
x Eastern Wood-Pewee
x Alder Flycatcher
x Eastern Phoebe
x Yellow-throated Vireo
x Blue-headed Vireo
x Red-eyed Vireo
x Blue Jay
x American Crow
x Raven
x Tree Swallow
x Black-capped Chickadee
x Tufted Titmouse
x White-breasted Nuthatch
x Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
x Swainson's Thrush
x Wood Thrush
x American Robin
x Gray Catbird
x Northern Mockingbird
x European Starling
x Cedar Waxwing
x Nashville Warbler
x Northern Parula
x Magnolia Warbler
x Black-throated Green Warbler
x Prairie Warbler
x Palm Warbler
x Black-and-white Warbler
x American Redstart
x Ovenbird
x Common Yellowthroat
x Baypoll sp.
x Scarlet Tanager
x Eastern Towhee
x Chipping Sparrow
x Field Sparrow
x Vesper Sparrow
x Savannah Sparrow
x Song Sparrow
x Lincoln's Sparrow
x Northern Cardinal
x Red-winged Blackbird
x Common Grackle
x Brown-headed Cowbird
x Baltimore Oriole
x House Finch
x American Goldfinch
x House Sparrow
Total species reported: 87
Saturday, September 12, 2009
September 12th, Staten Island
Honorary Centennial Classic Leader : Rob Jett
Observation date: 9/12/09
Notes: Observers: John Criscitiello, Eddie Davis, Donna Evans, Rusty Harold, Rob Jett, Suzanne Ortiz, Janet Schumacher, Elizabeth Stone, Heather Walters, Bob Washburn
Location: Conference House Park
Number of species: 34
Mallard X
Common Loon 1
Double-crested Cormorant X
Cooper's Hawk 1
Spotted Sandpiper 3
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker X
Empidonax sp. 1
Red-eyed Vireo 2
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Carolina Wren X
House Wren X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
American Redstart X
Common Yellowthroat X
Song Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Mount Loretto Unique Area
Number of species: 35
Wood Duck 10
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
Osprey 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Common Tern 1
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Phoebe 1
Eastern Kingbird 2
Warbling Vireo 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Carolina Wren X
House Wren 1
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Yellow Warbler 1
American Redstart X
Northern Waterthrush 1
Common Yellowthroat 1
Song Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
Location: Blue Heron Park
Number of species: 26
Wood Duck X
Mallard X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 3
Blue Jay X
Tree Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
White-breasted Nuthatch 2
Carolina Wren X
Veery 1
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Northern Parula 3
Black-throated Blue Warbler 2
Black-and-white Warbler 2
American Redstart X
Common Yellowthroat 1
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
American Goldfinch 8
House Sparrow X
Location: Wolfe's Pond Park
Number of species: 19
Mute Swan 4
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Northern Flicker X
Blue Jay X
Tree Swallow X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch 1
House Sparrow X
Location: Arden Avenue Beach
Number of species: 11
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Ruddy Turnstone 12
Semipalmated Sandpiper 2
Least Sandpiper 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Tree Swallow X
European Starling X
House Sparrow X
Location: Great Kills Park
Number of species: 21
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Belted Kingfisher 1
Northern Flicker X
Blue Jay 1
Tree Swallow X
Bank Swallow 1
Barn Swallow X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Song Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
House Sparrow X
Combined list:
1) Mute Swan
2) Wood Duck
3) Mallard
4) Common Loon
5) Double-crested Cormorant
6) Great Blue Heron
7) Great Egret
8) Green Heron
9) Black-crowned Night-Heron
10) Osprey
11) Cooper's Hawk
12) Spotted Sandpiper
13) Ruddy Turnstone
14) Semipalmated Sandpiper
15) Least Sandpiper
16) Ring-billed Gull
17) Herring Gull
18) Great Black-backed Gull
19) Common Tern
20) Rock Pigeon
21) Mourning Dove
22) Chimney Swift
23) Belted Kingfisher
24) Red-bellied Woodpecker
25) Downy Woodpecker
26) Hairy Woodpecker
27) Northern Flicker
28) Empidonax sp.
29) Eastern Phoebe
30) Eastern Kingbird
31) Warbling Vireo
32) Red-eyed Vireo
33) Blue Jay
34) American Crow
35) Tree Swallow
36) Bank Swallow
37) Barn Swallow
38) Black-capped Chickadee
39) White-breasted Nuthatch
40) Carolina Wren
41) House Wren
42) Veery
43) American Robin
44) Gray Catbird
45) Northern Mockingbird
46) European Starling
47) Cedar Waxwing
48) Northern Parula
49) Yellow Warbler
50) Black-throated Blue Warbler
51) Black-and-white Warbler
52) American Redstart
53) Northern Waterthrush
54) Common Yellowthroat
55) Song Sparrow
56) Northern Cardinal
57) Common Grackle
58) Brown-headed Cowbird
59) House Finch
60) American Goldfinch
61) House Sparrow
62) Laughing Gulls
63) Belted Kingfisher
64) Snowy Egret
Observation date: 9/12/09
Notes: Observers: John Criscitiello, Eddie Davis, Donna Evans, Rusty Harold, Rob Jett, Suzanne Ortiz, Janet Schumacher, Elizabeth Stone, Heather Walters, Bob Washburn
Location: Conference House Park
Number of species: 34
Mallard X
Common Loon 1
Double-crested Cormorant X
Cooper's Hawk 1
Spotted Sandpiper 3
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker X
Empidonax sp. 1
Red-eyed Vireo 2
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Carolina Wren X
House Wren X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
American Redstart X
Common Yellowthroat X
Song Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Mount Loretto Unique Area
Number of species: 35
Wood Duck 10
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2
Osprey 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Common Tern 1
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Phoebe 1
Eastern Kingbird 2
Warbling Vireo 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Carolina Wren X
House Wren 1
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Yellow Warbler 1
American Redstart X
Northern Waterthrush 1
Common Yellowthroat 1
Song Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
Location: Blue Heron Park
Number of species: 26
Wood Duck X
Mallard X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 3
Blue Jay X
Tree Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
White-breasted Nuthatch 2
Carolina Wren X
Veery 1
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Northern Parula 3
Black-throated Blue Warbler 2
Black-and-white Warbler 2
American Redstart X
Common Yellowthroat 1
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
American Goldfinch 8
House Sparrow X
Location: Wolfe's Pond Park
Number of species: 19
Mute Swan 4
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Northern Flicker X
Blue Jay X
Tree Swallow X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Northern Cardinal X
House Finch 1
House Sparrow X
Location: Arden Avenue Beach
Number of species: 11
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Ruddy Turnstone 12
Semipalmated Sandpiper 2
Least Sandpiper 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Tree Swallow X
European Starling X
House Sparrow X
Location: Great Kills Park
Number of species: 21
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Belted Kingfisher 1
Northern Flicker X
Blue Jay 1
Tree Swallow X
Bank Swallow 1
Barn Swallow X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Song Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
House Sparrow X
Combined list:
1) Mute Swan
2) Wood Duck
3) Mallard
4) Common Loon
5) Double-crested Cormorant
6) Great Blue Heron
7) Great Egret
8) Green Heron
9) Black-crowned Night-Heron
10) Osprey
11) Cooper's Hawk
12) Spotted Sandpiper
13) Ruddy Turnstone
14) Semipalmated Sandpiper
15) Least Sandpiper
16) Ring-billed Gull
17) Herring Gull
18) Great Black-backed Gull
19) Common Tern
20) Rock Pigeon
21) Mourning Dove
22) Chimney Swift
23) Belted Kingfisher
24) Red-bellied Woodpecker
25) Downy Woodpecker
26) Hairy Woodpecker
27) Northern Flicker
28) Empidonax sp.
29) Eastern Phoebe
30) Eastern Kingbird
31) Warbling Vireo
32) Red-eyed Vireo
33) Blue Jay
34) American Crow
35) Tree Swallow
36) Bank Swallow
37) Barn Swallow
38) Black-capped Chickadee
39) White-breasted Nuthatch
40) Carolina Wren
41) House Wren
42) Veery
43) American Robin
44) Gray Catbird
45) Northern Mockingbird
46) European Starling
47) Cedar Waxwing
48) Northern Parula
49) Yellow Warbler
50) Black-throated Blue Warbler
51) Black-and-white Warbler
52) American Redstart
53) Northern Waterthrush
54) Common Yellowthroat
55) Song Sparrow
56) Northern Cardinal
57) Common Grackle
58) Brown-headed Cowbird
59) House Finch
60) American Goldfinch
61) House Sparrow
62) Laughing Gulls
63) Belted Kingfisher
64) Snowy Egret
Sunday, September 6, 2009
September 5th, Prospect Park centennial walk
Leader : Steve Nanz
Note: various birding groups and birders had a cumulative 21 species warblers today.
Canada Goose
Red-tailed Hawk
Herring Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Great Crested Flycatcher
Warbling Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Blue-winged Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Canada Warbler
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-winged Blackbird
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Note: various birding groups and birders had a cumulative 21 species warblers today.
Canada Goose
Red-tailed Hawk
Herring Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Great Crested Flycatcher
Warbling Vireo
Philadelphia Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Blue-winged Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Canada Warbler
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-winged Blackbird
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Sunday, August 30, 2009
August 30th Prospect Park
Leader :Peter Dorosh
This morning's Brooklyn Bird Club walk got off to a slow but decent start before some good stuff appeared mid morning.
Before the likely north winds predicted this eve/ overnight,some birds took early leave and provided some satisfactory moments for the group. At the south Midwood between the bridle path and Elephant Hill rising path, a WORM-EATING WARBLER delighted the group as the bird flew from surrounding hanging dead leaves for food. Along with it , a CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER followed it . BLUE-WINGED WARBLER below on the slope there as well as Butterfly Meadow plus an adult male BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER on Lookout Hill's upper meadow joined in for 12 species warblers seen totally. GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, EASTERN PEWEE, LEAST FLYCATCHER formed a flycatcher group along with a secondhand report of YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER reported by Scott Whittle by the Boulder Bridge. After I left the group,I received a text message from friends they saw YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO on Lookout Hill .
Last nite 8/29, during a Common Nighthawk watch, conservatively,at least 4 COMMON NIGHTHAWKS were spotted low in the sky over the Long Meadow near the Tennis House, between 6 and 7:45 pm.
Brooklyn Bird club walk; Leader Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 8/30/09
Number of species: 43
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1 f/o Vale
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Nellie's lawn ;in Elizabeth's Tulip
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 Lookout Hill
Chimney Swift X
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1 south Midwood, in jewelweed
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1 elephant hill/Midwood
Northern Flicker 1 elephant hill
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Midwood
Least Flycatcher 1 Midwood
Empidonax sp. X
Great Crested Flycatcher 1 lookout hill
Warbling Vireo 2 butterfly meadow
Red-eyed Vireo 3
Black-capped Chickadee 1
House Wren 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 elephant hill
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 2
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 22 vale cashmere
Blue-winged Warbler 2 south Midwood;butterfly meadow
Chestnut-sided Warbler 2 elephant hill;lookout hill
Magnolia Warbler 2 vale; north zoo
Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 north Midwood
Blackburnian Warbler 1 ad male; lookout hill upper meadow
Black-and-white Warbler 4
American Redstart 6
Worm-eating Warbler 1 elephant hill
Ovenbird 2 north zoo; north Midwood
Northern Waterthrush 1 vale
Common Yellowthroat 1 vale
Canada Warbler 1 north Midwood
Song Sparrow 1 vale
Northern Cardinal 3
Common Grackle X
Baltimore Oriole 6 vale mostly
American Goldfinch 5 butterfly meadow
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
This morning's Brooklyn Bird Club walk got off to a slow but decent start before some good stuff appeared mid morning.
Before the likely north winds predicted this eve/ overnight,some birds took early leave and provided some satisfactory moments for the group. At the south Midwood between the bridle path and Elephant Hill rising path, a WORM-EATING WARBLER delighted the group as the bird flew from surrounding hanging dead leaves for food. Along with it , a CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER followed it . BLUE-WINGED WARBLER below on the slope there as well as Butterfly Meadow plus an adult male BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER on Lookout Hill's upper meadow joined in for 12 species warblers seen totally. GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, EASTERN PEWEE, LEAST FLYCATCHER formed a flycatcher group along with a secondhand report of YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER reported by Scott Whittle by the Boulder Bridge. After I left the group,I received a text message from friends they saw YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO on Lookout Hill .
Last nite 8/29, during a Common Nighthawk watch, conservatively,at least 4 COMMON NIGHTHAWKS were spotted low in the sky over the Long Meadow near the Tennis House, between 6 and 7:45 pm.
Brooklyn Bird club walk; Leader Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 8/30/09
Number of species: 43
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1 f/o Vale
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Nellie's lawn ;in Elizabeth's Tulip
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 Lookout Hill
Chimney Swift X
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1 south Midwood, in jewelweed
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1 elephant hill/Midwood
Northern Flicker 1 elephant hill
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Midwood
Least Flycatcher 1 Midwood
Empidonax sp. X
Great Crested Flycatcher 1 lookout hill
Warbling Vireo 2 butterfly meadow
Red-eyed Vireo 3
Black-capped Chickadee 1
House Wren 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 elephant hill
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 2
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 22 vale cashmere
Blue-winged Warbler 2 south Midwood;butterfly meadow
Chestnut-sided Warbler 2 elephant hill;lookout hill
Magnolia Warbler 2 vale; north zoo
Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 north Midwood
Blackburnian Warbler 1 ad male; lookout hill upper meadow
Black-and-white Warbler 4
American Redstart 6
Worm-eating Warbler 1 elephant hill
Ovenbird 2 north zoo; north Midwood
Northern Waterthrush 1 vale
Common Yellowthroat 1 vale
Canada Warbler 1 north Midwood
Song Sparrow 1 vale
Northern Cardinal 3
Common Grackle X
Baltimore Oriole 6 vale mostly
American Goldfinch 5 butterfly meadow
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 16th, Jamaica Bay Refuge, Queens
Leader : Starr Saphir
Here is the list, but not in taxonomic order. I was using the Jamaica Bay WR bird list, which is decades old. Best, Gil
Nine birders joined Starr Saphir on a trip to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, August 16, 2009, from 9 AM until 1:45 PM. One visiting birder from Trinidad, and another from Massachusetts. The temperature reached 92 degrees, so discretion called for ending the field trip early.
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Mute Swan
Black Swan (not countable)
Brant - only one
Canada Goose
Black Duck
Ruddy Duck - only one
Black-bellied Plover
Semi-palmated Plover
American Oystercatcher
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Spotted Sandpaper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Laughing Gull
Herring Gull
Great-black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Forsters Tern
Rock Pigeon
Belted Kingfisher
Willow Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
American Crow
Carolina Wren
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
Cedar Waxwing
European Starling
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
Boat-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Song Sparrow
House Sparrow
57 species
Here is the list, but not in taxonomic order. I was using the Jamaica Bay WR bird list, which is decades old. Best, Gil
Nine birders joined Starr Saphir on a trip to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, August 16, 2009, from 9 AM until 1:45 PM. One visiting birder from Trinidad, and another from Massachusetts. The temperature reached 92 degrees, so discretion called for ending the field trip early.
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Mute Swan
Black Swan (not countable)
Brant - only one
Canada Goose
Black Duck
Ruddy Duck - only one
Black-bellied Plover
Semi-palmated Plover
American Oystercatcher
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Spotted Sandpaper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Laughing Gull
Herring Gull
Great-black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Forsters Tern
Rock Pigeon
Belted Kingfisher
Willow Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
American Crow
Carolina Wren
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
Cedar Waxwing
European Starling
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
Boat-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Song Sparrow
House Sparrow
57 species
Sunday, July 26, 2009
July 26th Prospect Park
July 26th sightings
Brooklyn Bird Club walk
leading: Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 7/26/09
Number of species: 31
Canada Goose 150 lake
Mute Swan 1
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1 lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2, lullwater cove, duck island
Red-tailed Hawk 1 south Nethermead
Laughing Gull 2
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift 20 , GAP and overhead
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 north midwood
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1 Sullivan Hill south
Eastern Phoebe 1 juvenile below Binnen Bridge/falls
Eastern Kingbird 1 mobbing RT hawk south nethermead
Warbling Vireo 1 peninsula near sumacs
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1 lake
Barn Swallow 15 mostly lake, few Lily pool
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 fledgling/juvenile Boulder Bridge
Carolina Wren 1 sullivan hill
House Wren 2--wellhouse, lullwater cove
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 4
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 25--vale/rose garden(6), Sullivan Hill
Song Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 1
Common Grackle 2
House Sparrow X
Brooklyn Bird Club walk
leading: Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 7/26/09
Number of species: 31
Canada Goose 150 lake
Mute Swan 1
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1 lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2, lullwater cove, duck island
Red-tailed Hawk 1 south Nethermead
Laughing Gull 2
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift 20 , GAP and overhead
Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 north midwood
Downy Woodpecker 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1 Sullivan Hill south
Eastern Phoebe 1 juvenile below Binnen Bridge/falls
Eastern Kingbird 1 mobbing RT hawk south nethermead
Warbling Vireo 1 peninsula near sumacs
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 1 lake
Barn Swallow 15 mostly lake, few Lily pool
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 fledgling/juvenile Boulder Bridge
Carolina Wren 1 sullivan hill
House Wren 2--wellhouse, lullwater cove
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 4
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 25--vale/rose garden(6), Sullivan Hill
Song Sparrow 1
Northern Cardinal 2
Red-winged Blackbird 1
Common Grackle 2
House Sparrow X
Sunday, May 24, 2009
5/24 Prospect Park
Brooklyn Bird Club walk , led by Rafael Campos
( report from Rafael)
Date: 24 May 2009
Observers: Rafael Campos + 6 birders
The BBC walk started around 7:40 am, from Grand Army Plaza. The Vale was the great stop, with a good number of sps seen quite close: Northern Waterthrush, Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Parula, Common Yellowthroat. We passed by the active nest of the Red-tailed Hawk, and saw the nestling. Midwood was quite slow, but the Red-eyed Vireos practically outnumber any other sps. Music Pagoda, Lily Pond; 1 Canada Warbler gave us great looks. Edge of the Nethermead, were a nice male Indigo Bunting was, perhaps, the bird of the walk.The Pools, with its usual Ring-necked Duck, male. Long Meadow, where the last minute bird, was 1 male Yellow Warbler. Also reported earlier in the Park, but not seen were Summer Tanager & Hooded Warbler.
The list:
Canada Goose
Ring-necked Duck
Double-crested Cormorant (flyover)
Red-tailed Hawk
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Monk Parakeet (1 flyover Midwood)
Chimney Swift
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Acadian Flycatcher (heard only by Scott Whittle)
Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Kingbird
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (1, pools)
Barn Swallow
White-breasted Nuthatch (1, Midwood)
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Swainson's Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Northern Parula
Yelow Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler (1, Quaker Ridge)
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Canada Warbler
Scarlet Tanager (1 female, Midwood)
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1 female, Vale)
Indigo Bunting (2 males)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird (1 female, pools)
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Brooklyn is good birding!!!
Posted by Kingsboider at 1:32 PM
( report from Rafael)
Date: 24 May 2009
Observers: Rafael Campos + 6 birders
The BBC walk started around 7:40 am, from Grand Army Plaza. The Vale was the great stop, with a good number of sps seen quite close: Northern Waterthrush, Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Parula, Common Yellowthroat. We passed by the active nest of the Red-tailed Hawk, and saw the nestling. Midwood was quite slow, but the Red-eyed Vireos practically outnumber any other sps. Music Pagoda, Lily Pond; 1 Canada Warbler gave us great looks. Edge of the Nethermead, were a nice male Indigo Bunting was, perhaps, the bird of the walk.The Pools, with its usual Ring-necked Duck, male. Long Meadow, where the last minute bird, was 1 male Yellow Warbler. Also reported earlier in the Park, but not seen were Summer Tanager & Hooded Warbler.
The list:
Canada Goose
Ring-necked Duck
Double-crested Cormorant (flyover)
Red-tailed Hawk
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Monk Parakeet (1 flyover Midwood)
Chimney Swift
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Acadian Flycatcher (heard only by Scott Whittle)
Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Kingbird
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (1, pools)
Barn Swallow
White-breasted Nuthatch (1, Midwood)
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Swainson's Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Northern Parula
Yelow Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler (1, Quaker Ridge)
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Canada Warbler
Scarlet Tanager (1 female, Midwood)
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1 female, Vale)
Indigo Bunting (2 males)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird (1 female, pools)
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Brooklyn is good birding!!!
Posted by Kingsboider at 1:32 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
May 23rd, Prospect Park
From BBC walk, led by Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/23/09
Number of species: 29
Canada Goose X
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake upper pool
Double-crested Cormorant 9 f/o Vale
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 Vale
Hairy Woodpecker 1 Quaker Ridge
Empidonax sp. X Esdale Bridge
Red-eyed Vireo 3 2 Battle Pass hill east
Blue Jay 1
Barn Swallow X Long Meadow
House Wren 4
Swainson's Thrush 2 Lookout hill; Sullivan Hill
Gray Catbird X
Cedar Waxwing 65 ; 20 f/o Vale; 15 feeding in Sullivan Hill; more flyovers
Magnolia Warbler 1 Vale
Blackpoll Warbler 3 Vale; 2 Pools
American Redstart 1 Vale
Kentucky Warbler 1 Maryland Monument , east slope
Hooded Warbler 1 female Lookout north section , inside carriage path
Northern Cardinal X
Indigo Bunting 2 males; Vale; Nellies Lawn east edge
Common Grackle 1
Orchard Oriole 1 Lower Pool back path
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/23/09
Number of species: 29
Canada Goose X
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake upper pool
Double-crested Cormorant 9 f/o Vale
Red-tailed Hawk 2
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 Vale
Hairy Woodpecker 1 Quaker Ridge
Empidonax sp. X Esdale Bridge
Red-eyed Vireo 3 2 Battle Pass hill east
Blue Jay 1
Barn Swallow X Long Meadow
House Wren 4
Swainson's Thrush 2 Lookout hill; Sullivan Hill
Gray Catbird X
Cedar Waxwing 65 ; 20 f/o Vale; 15 feeding in Sullivan Hill; more flyovers
Magnolia Warbler 1 Vale
Blackpoll Warbler 3 Vale; 2 Pools
American Redstart 1 Vale
Kentucky Warbler 1 Maryland Monument , east slope
Hooded Warbler 1 female Lookout north section , inside carriage path
Northern Cardinal X
Indigo Bunting 2 males; Vale; Nellies Lawn east edge
Common Grackle 1
Orchard Oriole 1 Lower Pool back path
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Monday, May 18, 2009
5/17 Greenwood Cemetery
Leaders: Ed Crowne and Janet Schumacher
Location: Greenwood Cemetery
Observation date: 5/17/09
Notes: Fewer Northern mockingbirds than usual. More Catbirds and House wrens.
Weather cool, few sprinkles and windy. After 11 am somewhat sunnier, more activity and singing.
Monk parakeet nests were removed early spring. Parakeets now rebuilding in the tower again, not using the platform erected for them. However they are stealing the sticks workers put on the platform to rebuild in the entrance gate/tower.
Number of species: 68
Snow Goose 1
Canada Goose X
Gadwall 2
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Egret 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Turkey Vulture 1
Red-tailed Hawk 4
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Monk Parakeet X
Black-billed Cuckoo 1
Chimney Swift 25
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Wood-Pewee X
Willow Flycatcher X
Eastern Phoebe X
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Eastern Kingbird X
Blue-headed Vireo X
Warbling Vireo X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Barn Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
House Wren X
Gray-cheeked Thrush X
Swainson's Thrush X
Wood Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 50
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Magnolia Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) X
Blackpoll Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Common Yellowthroat X
Canada Warbler 3
Scarlet Tanager 10
Chipping Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5
Indigo Bunting X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Location: Greenwood Cemetery
Observation date: 5/17/09
Notes: Fewer Northern mockingbirds than usual. More Catbirds and House wrens.
Weather cool, few sprinkles and windy. After 11 am somewhat sunnier, more activity and singing.
Monk parakeet nests were removed early spring. Parakeets now rebuilding in the tower again, not using the platform erected for them. However they are stealing the sticks workers put on the platform to rebuild in the entrance gate/tower.
Number of species: 68
Snow Goose 1
Canada Goose X
Gadwall 2
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Egret 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Turkey Vulture 1
Red-tailed Hawk 4
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Monk Parakeet X
Black-billed Cuckoo 1
Chimney Swift 25
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Wood-Pewee X
Willow Flycatcher X
Eastern Phoebe X
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Eastern Kingbird X
Blue-headed Vireo X
Warbling Vireo X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Barn Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
House Wren X
Gray-cheeked Thrush X
Swainson's Thrush X
Wood Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 50
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Magnolia Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) X
Blackpoll Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Common Yellowthroat X
Canada Warbler 3
Scarlet Tanager 10
Chipping Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 5
Indigo Bunting X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Saturday, May 16, 2009
May 16th Prospect Park
Leader: Tom Stephenson
+ 21 members
From Tom Stephenson , who led the Brooklyn Bird Club walk today:
Hi Peter,
Birds were pretty slow, with what seemed like a couple of straggler flocks here and there, but no numbers to speak of....
Thrushes were very low as well.
But still 17 species of warblers.....
Anyway, here's the list.
Best regards,
Great Blue Heron
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture fly over
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Spotted Sandpiper
Herring Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing maybe two flocks
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilson's Warbler
Canada Warbler
Summer Tanager
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting two, one on Lookout and the other in midwood (female)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole several pairs
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
+ 21 members
From Tom Stephenson , who led the Brooklyn Bird Club walk today:
Hi Peter,
Birds were pretty slow, with what seemed like a couple of straggler flocks here and there, but no numbers to speak of....
Thrushes were very low as well.
But still 17 species of warblers.....
Anyway, here's the list.
Best regards,
Great Blue Heron
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture fly over
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Spotted Sandpiper
Herring Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing maybe two flocks
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilson's Warbler
Canada Warbler
Summer Tanager
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting two, one on Lookout and the other in midwood (female)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole several pairs
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
May 15th Vietor Day : Mt Prospect Park/ Brooklyn Botanic Garden
leader: Peter Dorosh
--Mt. Prospect Park/BBG/Prospect Park
8 party group
Location: Mount Propsect Park/Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Observation date: 5/15/09
Number of species: 37
Mallard X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Monk Parakeet X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Eastern Kingbird X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Fish Crow X
Swainson's Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler X
Blackpoll Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Common Yellowthroat X
Wilson's Warbler X
Canada Warbler X
Scarlet Tanager X
Chipping Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Sparrow X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/15/09
Number of species: 31
Cooper's Hawk 1
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Empidonax sp. 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
Barn Swallow X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
House Wren X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X
Swainson's Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Northern Parula X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Common Yellowthroat X
Canada Warbler X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
--Mt. Prospect Park/BBG/Prospect Park
8 party group
Location: Mount Propsect Park/Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Observation date: 5/15/09
Number of species: 37
Mallard X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Monk Parakeet X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Eastern Kingbird X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Fish Crow X
Swainson's Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler X
Blackpoll Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Common Yellowthroat X
Wilson's Warbler X
Canada Warbler X
Scarlet Tanager X
Chipping Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Common Grackle X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Sparrow X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/15/09
Number of species: 31
Cooper's Hawk 1
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Empidonax sp. 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
Barn Swallow X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
House Wren X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X
Swainson's Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
European Starling X
Northern Parula X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Common Yellowthroat X
Canada Warbler X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Thursday, May 14, 2009
May 14th Prospect Park
Thursday walk
Led by Tom Stephenson + 14 members
The last weekday spring Brooklyn Bird Club field walk in Prospect took place this morning.Led By Tom Stephenson, some nice sightings were recorded under threatening skies .The Vale of Cashmere was active I was told and a nice sized group showed up. The list from Tom is below.
Hi Peter,
Despite the rain, we had a couple of good warbler flocks, especially in the Vale and then by the pools. Then the rain seemed to quiet everything down.
We had 15 species of warbler and 14 even distribution.
Here's the list.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
House Wren
Swainson's Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Cape May Warbler (heard just N of vale)
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler (first yr female)
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilson's Warbler (at least 3)
Scarlet Tanager
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Blue Grosbeak (heard just north of vale area)
Indigo Bunting
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Posted by Kingsboider at 4:53 PM
Led by Tom Stephenson + 14 members
The last weekday spring Brooklyn Bird Club field walk in Prospect took place this morning.Led By Tom Stephenson, some nice sightings were recorded under threatening skies .The Vale of Cashmere was active I was told and a nice sized group showed up. The list from Tom is below.
Hi Peter,
Despite the rain, we had a couple of good warbler flocks, especially in the Vale and then by the pools. Then the rain seemed to quiet everything down.
We had 15 species of warbler and 14 even distribution.
Here's the list.
Best regards,
Double-crested Cormorant
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
House Wren
Swainson's Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Cape May Warbler (heard just N of vale)
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler (first yr female)
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilson's Warbler (at least 3)
Scarlet Tanager
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Blue Grosbeak (heard just north of vale area)
Indigo Bunting
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Posted by Kingsboider at 4:53 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12th, Prospect Park
BBC walk 7-10 am
Leading: Peter Dorosh + 7
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/12/09
Number of species: 38
Great Egret 1 flyover Butterfly meadow
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker 3
Northern Flicker 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Maryland monument
Least Flycatcher 1 Butterfly Meadow
Eastern Kingbird 1 Maryland monument
Blue-headed Vireo 2 Ballfield west
Red-eyed Vireo 2
Blue Jay 2
House Wren 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Maryland monument
Veery 2
Swainson's Thrush 1 Lookout Hill
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 7
European Starling X
Northern Parula 4
Yellow Warbler 1 Lookout Hill
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1 Lookout Hill
Magnolia Warbler 8; ~ 6 Lookout Hill
Black-throated Blue Warbler 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler 1 Lookout Hill
Prairie Warbler 1 Maryland monument
Black-and-white Warbler 1
American Redstart 3
Ovenbird X
Common Yellowthroat X
Scarlet Tanager 2 --one at Quaker Cemetery;Lookout Hill
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 Maryland monument
Baltimore Oriole X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://
Posted by Kingsboider at 4:36 PM
Leading: Peter Dorosh + 7
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/12/09
Number of species: 38
Great Egret 1 flyover Butterfly meadow
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker 3
Northern Flicker 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Maryland monument
Least Flycatcher 1 Butterfly Meadow
Eastern Kingbird 1 Maryland monument
Blue-headed Vireo 2 Ballfield west
Red-eyed Vireo 2
Blue Jay 2
House Wren 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 Maryland monument
Veery 2
Swainson's Thrush 1 Lookout Hill
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 7
European Starling X
Northern Parula 4
Yellow Warbler 1 Lookout Hill
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1 Lookout Hill
Magnolia Warbler 8; ~ 6 Lookout Hill
Black-throated Blue Warbler 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler 1 Lookout Hill
Prairie Warbler 1 Maryland monument
Black-and-white Warbler 1
American Redstart 3
Ovenbird X
Common Yellowthroat X
Scarlet Tanager 2 --one at Quaker Cemetery;Lookout Hill
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 Maryland monument
Baltimore Oriole X
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://
Posted by Kingsboider at 4:36 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
May 10th Prospect Park
Leader : John Yrizarry
Honorary Centennial Leaders Series
Note: 18 members
Total number of species, 67 (list compiled by Suzanne Ortiz and Paul Keim)
Great Egret
Green Heron
Turkey Vulture
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Willow Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Chipping Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Brown-headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole
Purple Finch
House Finch
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Honorary Centennial Leaders Series
Note: 18 members
Total number of species, 67 (list compiled by Suzanne Ortiz and Paul Keim)
Great Egret
Green Heron
Turkey Vulture
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Wood-Peewee
Willow Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Summer Tanager
Scarlet Tanager
Chipping Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Brown-headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole
Purple Finch
House Finch
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
5/9 Birdathon Day
International Bird Migration Day "The Birdathon"
BBC team #1 "The Kingsbirders"
--Peter Dorosh, Mary Eyster, Sandy Paci, Rafael Campos, Tom Preston
Team total: 125 Species
(note: some species seen in one area were seen again in other(s) )
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: IBMD event or BIRDATHON Team
Number of species: 76
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 1
Ruddy Duck 3
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Egret X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk X
Virginia Rail 1 Horse loop near Bartel Pritchard park entrance
Laughing Gull X
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
White-eyed Vireo X
Yellow-throated Vireo X
Blue-headed Vireo X
Warbling Vireo X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Northern Rough-winged Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Carolina Wren X
House Wren X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X
Veery X
Swainson's Thrush X
Hermit Thrush X
Wood Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Brown Thrasher X
European Starling X
Nashville Warbler X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Chestnut-sided Warbler X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler X
Blackburnian Warbler X
Prairie Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Common Yellowthroat X
Scarlet Tanager X
Eastern Towhee X
Chipping Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Orchard Oriole X
Baltimore Oriole X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Plum Beach
Observation date: 5/9/09
Number of species: 46
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Common Loon X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Egret X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron X
Osprey 1
Merlin 1
Clapper Rail 1
Black-bellied Plover 1
American Oystercatcher X
Spotted Sandpiper X
Greater Yellowlegs X
Whimbrel 1
Sanderling X
Semipalmated Sandpiper X
Least Sandpiper X
Short-billed Dowitcher X
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Least Tern X
Common Tern X
Forster's Tern X
Black Skimmer X
Rock Pigeon X
American Crow X
Barn Swallow X
Marsh Wren X
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird X
Brown Thrasher X
European Starling X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Eastern Towhee X
Seaside Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Boat-tailed Grackle X
Location: Floyd Bennett Field
Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: Birdathon event
Number of species: 54
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Wood Duck 3
Mallard X
Ring-necked Pheasant 1
Common Loon 6
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Glossy Ibis 1
Osprey 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 5
Willet X
Laughing Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Common Tern X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Kingbird X
Red-eyed Vireo X
American Crow X
Fish Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Carolina Wren X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Scarlet Tanager X
Chipping Sparrow X
Field Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 2
Song Sparrow X
White-crowned Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Indigo Bunting X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Dreier Offerman/Calvert Vaux Park
Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: Birdathon Event
Number of species: 34
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mallard X
Bufflehead X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Green Heron 1 Coney Island Creek
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Peregrine Falcon 1 perched at top Coney Island Parachute drop
Semipalmated Plover 6
Killdeer 2
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Monk Parakeet 1
Chimney Swift X
Downy Woodpecker X
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Warbling Vireo 1
Barn Swallow X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 1
Northern Parula X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Common Yellowthroat 1
Eastern Towhee 1
White-throated Sparrow X
Red-winged Blackbird X
House Sparrow X
Team Total: 96 species
Our final list included 96 species. Here they are (in taxonomic order):
Snow Goose
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Ring-necked Duck
Ruddy Duck
Common Loon
Double-crested Cormorant
Least Bittern-Plumb Beach
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Black-bellied Plover
American Oystercatcher
Spotted Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Black Skimmer
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Monk Parakeet
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Red-headed Woodpecker--Floyd Bennett North Forty
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Summer Tanager-Prospect Park Lookout Hill
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Purple Finch
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Kingsboider note : 4 teams covered Brooklyn recording 158 species plus 2 by an individual birder , Wilson's Warbler and Broad-winged Hawk making it 160 seen in Brooklyn on May 9th.
BBC team #1 "The Kingsbirders"
--Peter Dorosh, Mary Eyster, Sandy Paci, Rafael Campos, Tom Preston
Team total: 125 Species
(note: some species seen in one area were seen again in other(s) )
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: IBMD event or BIRDATHON Team
Number of species: 76
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 1
Ruddy Duck 3
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Egret X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk X
Virginia Rail 1 Horse loop near Bartel Pritchard park entrance
Laughing Gull X
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
White-eyed Vireo X
Yellow-throated Vireo X
Blue-headed Vireo X
Warbling Vireo X
Red-eyed Vireo X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Northern Rough-winged Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Carolina Wren X
House Wren X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X
Veery X
Swainson's Thrush X
Hermit Thrush X
Wood Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Brown Thrasher X
European Starling X
Nashville Warbler X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Chestnut-sided Warbler X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-throated Green Warbler X
Blackburnian Warbler X
Prairie Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Ovenbird X
Northern Waterthrush X
Common Yellowthroat X
Scarlet Tanager X
Eastern Towhee X
Chipping Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Orchard Oriole X
Baltimore Oriole X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Plum Beach
Observation date: 5/9/09
Number of species: 46
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Common Loon X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Egret X
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron X
Osprey 1
Merlin 1
Clapper Rail 1
Black-bellied Plover 1
American Oystercatcher X
Spotted Sandpiper X
Greater Yellowlegs X
Whimbrel 1
Sanderling X
Semipalmated Sandpiper X
Least Sandpiper X
Short-billed Dowitcher X
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Least Tern X
Common Tern X
Forster's Tern X
Black Skimmer X
Rock Pigeon X
American Crow X
Barn Swallow X
Marsh Wren X
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird X
Brown Thrasher X
European Starling X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Eastern Towhee X
Seaside Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Boat-tailed Grackle X
Location: Floyd Bennett Field
Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: Birdathon event
Number of species: 54
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Wood Duck 3
Mallard X
Ring-necked Pheasant 1
Common Loon 6
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Glossy Ibis 1
Osprey 1
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 5
Willet X
Laughing Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Common Tern X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Kingbird X
Red-eyed Vireo X
American Crow X
Fish Crow X
Tree Swallow X
Barn Swallow X
Carolina Wren X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Northern Parula X
Yellow Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler X
American Redstart X
Scarlet Tanager X
Chipping Sparrow X
Field Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 2
Song Sparrow X
White-crowned Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak X
Indigo Bunting X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Baltimore Oriole X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Dreier Offerman/Calvert Vaux Park
Observation date: 5/9/09
Notes: Birdathon Event
Number of species: 34
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mallard X
Bufflehead X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Green Heron 1 Coney Island Creek
Black-crowned Night-Heron X
Peregrine Falcon 1 perched at top Coney Island Parachute drop
Semipalmated Plover 6
Killdeer 2
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Monk Parakeet 1
Chimney Swift X
Downy Woodpecker X
Great Crested Flycatcher 1
Warbling Vireo 1
Barn Swallow X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Cedar Waxwing 1
Northern Parula X
Magnolia Warbler X
Black-throated Blue Warbler X
Common Yellowthroat 1
Eastern Towhee 1
White-throated Sparrow X
Red-winged Blackbird X
House Sparrow X
Total: 125 species
Team Total: 96 species
BBC team #2 "Birdigo"--Eddie Davis, Bob Washburn, Donna Evans
Our final list included 96 species. Here they are (in taxonomic order):
Snow Goose
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Ring-necked Duck
Ruddy Duck
Common Loon
Double-crested Cormorant
Least Bittern-Plumb Beach
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Black-bellied Plover
American Oystercatcher
Spotted Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Black Skimmer
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Monk Parakeet
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Red-headed Woodpecker--Floyd Bennett North Forty
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Summer Tanager-Prospect Park Lookout Hill
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
Purple Finch
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Kingsboider note : 4 teams covered Brooklyn recording 158 species plus 2 by an individual birder , Wilson's Warbler and Broad-winged Hawk making it 160 seen in Brooklyn on May 9th.
5/7 Prospect Park
Leader: Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/7/09
Number of species: 57
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 1
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake Upper Pool
Double-crested Cormorant 4 lake
Great Blue Heron 1
Solitary Sandpiper 1 west shore Lake
Laughing Gull 7
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Black-billed Cuckoo 1 Rose Garden east of Vale Cashmere
Chimney Swift 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Eastern Phoebe 1 Binnen Falls
Warbling Vireo 1 south lakeside by west isl
Tree Swallow X lake
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 6 Upper pool
Barn Swallow X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Veery 2
Swainson's Thrush 1
Hermit Thrush 2
Wood Thrush 2 Midwood;Vale Cashmere
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 12
Brown Thrasher 1 Vale Cashmere
European Starling X
Blue-winged Warbler 1 Dongan Oak monument; male adult
Golden-winged Warbler 1 Dongan Oak monument; male adult; seen 1st by Eddie Davis @10:45am
Northern Parula 2
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1 Dongan Oak Battle pass east
Black-throated Blue Warbler 2; one Rose Garden
Yellow-rumped Warbler X all over
Black-and-white Warbler 5
American Redstart 1 male Vale Cashmere
Worm-eating Warbler 2; one north end Vale Cashmere; one Aralia Grove , south of rose garden
Ovenbird 16 . common
Northern Waterthrush 1 Vale Cashmere
Louisiana Waterthrush 1 Dongan Oak Monument slope
Common Yellowthroat 3 ; one west isl; Vale Cashmere
Wilson's Warbler 1 male; south lakeside, in ulberry cluster near Duck isl
Scarlet Tanager 2 Vale Cashmere
Eastern Towhee 2
Chipping Sparrow 1 edge Nellies Lawn
Lincoln's Sparrow 1 center drive horse path , behind red fence by cemetery SEcorner
Swamp Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 100 north end Midwood, numerous
Northern Cardinal 1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 Falfill falls, ad male
Indigo Bunting 1 male adult Vale Cashmere
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Orchard Oriole 4 2 imm male, 1 ad male, 1 ad female north end Vale Cashmere
Baltimore Oriole 10 north end Vale Cashmere
American Goldfinch 6 Battle pass east
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 5/7/09
Number of species: 57
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 1
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 1 drake Upper Pool
Double-crested Cormorant 4 lake
Great Blue Heron 1
Solitary Sandpiper 1 west shore Lake
Laughing Gull 7
Herring Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Black-billed Cuckoo 1 Rose Garden east of Vale Cashmere
Chimney Swift 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Eastern Phoebe 1 Binnen Falls
Warbling Vireo 1 south lakeside by west isl
Tree Swallow X lake
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 6 Upper pool
Barn Swallow X
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Veery 2
Swainson's Thrush 1
Hermit Thrush 2
Wood Thrush 2 Midwood;Vale Cashmere
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 12
Brown Thrasher 1 Vale Cashmere
European Starling X
Blue-winged Warbler 1 Dongan Oak monument; male adult
Golden-winged Warbler 1 Dongan Oak monument; male adult; seen 1st by Eddie Davis @10:45am
Northern Parula 2
Chestnut-sided Warbler 1 Dongan Oak Battle pass east
Black-throated Blue Warbler 2; one Rose Garden
Yellow-rumped Warbler X all over
Black-and-white Warbler 5
American Redstart 1 male Vale Cashmere
Worm-eating Warbler 2; one north end Vale Cashmere; one Aralia Grove , south of rose garden
Ovenbird 16 . common
Northern Waterthrush 1 Vale Cashmere
Louisiana Waterthrush 1 Dongan Oak Monument slope
Common Yellowthroat 3 ; one west isl; Vale Cashmere
Wilson's Warbler 1 male; south lakeside, in ulberry cluster near Duck isl
Scarlet Tanager 2 Vale Cashmere
Eastern Towhee 2
Chipping Sparrow 1 edge Nellies Lawn
Lincoln's Sparrow 1 center drive horse path , behind red fence by cemetery SEcorner
Swamp Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 100 north end Midwood, numerous
Northern Cardinal 1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 Falfill falls, ad male
Indigo Bunting 1 male adult Vale Cashmere
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Orchard Oriole 4 2 imm male, 1 ad male, 1 ad female north end Vale Cashmere
Baltimore Oriole 10 north end Vale Cashmere
American Goldfinch 6 Battle pass east
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
May 5th Prospect Park
Leader : Scott Whittle
5/2 Tuesday Bird Club Trip
We had a nice if rainy morning in the park, with an apparent migrational movement. We walked from the SW corner of the park across Lookout, and also checked out the Peninsula. Early on we had large number of catbirds up in the trees, which I interpreted as a recent influx. Other highlights included Chestnut Sided, Wilsons and Blackpoll warblers.
site = Prospect Park
date = 5/5/09
observers = Scott Whittle lead group
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret
Green Heron
Canada Goose
Brant (Flyover flock near lake)
Mute Swan
American Black Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
American Coot
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Tufted Titmouse
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut Sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black Throated Blue Warbler
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Black Throated Green Warbler
Palm Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black and White Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilsons Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White Throated Sparrow
White Crowned Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Red Wing Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown Headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
5/2 Tuesday Bird Club Trip
We had a nice if rainy morning in the park, with an apparent migrational movement. We walked from the SW corner of the park across Lookout, and also checked out the Peninsula. Early on we had large number of catbirds up in the trees, which I interpreted as a recent influx. Other highlights included Chestnut Sided, Wilsons and Blackpoll warblers.
site = Prospect Park
date = 5/5/09
observers = Scott Whittle lead group
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret
Green Heron
Canada Goose
Brant (Flyover flock near lake)
Mute Swan
American Black Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
American Coot
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Kingbird
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Tufted Titmouse
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut Sided Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Black Throated Blue Warbler
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Black Throated Green Warbler
Palm Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black and White Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Wilsons Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White Throated Sparrow
White Crowned Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Red Wing Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown Headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
May 3rd Prospect Park
Leader : Rafael Campos
As the morning turned dark, rainy during periods, I arrived at Grand Army Plaza around 7:15 am, to lead the BBC bird walk. After a little while, about 14 persons where ready to face the elements, and have a nice time looking for birds around PP.
The rain made things a little slow, but the help of the keen ears of Tom Stevenson, we could heard a good number of species, despite most them were elusive to our eyes. One of them, a Hooded Warbler was heard around Midwood. We went thru the Vale of Cashemere, with a Northern Waterthrush the bird there. From there to the Midwood, where most of the warbler sps were seen/heard. Among them were Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow-rumped (abundant despite the weather), Black-throated Blue, Blue-winged.
From the Midwood we continued along the Central Drive/Quaker Ridge, with no much, except a large flock of Chipping Sparrows in the Nethermead. By the time we arrived to Maryland Monument, a lonely Palm Warbler was seen, and the rain increased. But in the Peninsula meadow, a lonely White-crowned Sparrow was seen. Our final stop was the Wellhouse & lake, where we saw at least 4-5 Laughing Gulls, 1 Great Black-backed Gull.
I returned via the pools on my way home around 11:15 am.
The following is the list of the birds seen/heard:
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Double-crested Cormorant (a flock of ~5 flew over Vale)
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove (our 1st native sps seen by the Sthrahan Statue)
Chimney Swift (flyovers)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
White-eyed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
House Wren
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Blue-winged Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart (1 male, pools)
Northern Waterthrush
Hooded Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow (1, peninsula meadow)
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird (1 female, Maryland Monument)
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Brooklyn is good birding: Rafa Campos
As the morning turned dark, rainy during periods, I arrived at Grand Army Plaza around 7:15 am, to lead the BBC bird walk. After a little while, about 14 persons where ready to face the elements, and have a nice time looking for birds around PP.
The rain made things a little slow, but the help of the keen ears of Tom Stevenson, we could heard a good number of species, despite most them were elusive to our eyes. One of them, a Hooded Warbler was heard around Midwood. We went thru the Vale of Cashemere, with a Northern Waterthrush the bird there. From there to the Midwood, where most of the warbler sps were seen/heard. Among them were Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow-rumped (abundant despite the weather), Black-throated Blue, Blue-winged.
From the Midwood we continued along the Central Drive/Quaker Ridge, with no much, except a large flock of Chipping Sparrows in the Nethermead. By the time we arrived to Maryland Monument, a lonely Palm Warbler was seen, and the rain increased. But in the Peninsula meadow, a lonely White-crowned Sparrow was seen. Our final stop was the Wellhouse & lake, where we saw at least 4-5 Laughing Gulls, 1 Great Black-backed Gull.
I returned via the pools on my way home around 11:15 am.
The following is the list of the birds seen/heard:
Canada Goose
Mute Swan
Double-crested Cormorant (a flock of ~5 flew over Vale)
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove (our 1st native sps seen by the Sthrahan Statue)
Chimney Swift (flyovers)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
White-eyed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
House Wren
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Blue-winged Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart (1 male, pools)
Northern Waterthrush
Hooded Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow (1, peninsula meadow)
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird (1 female, Maryland Monument)
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Brooklyn is good birding: Rafa Campos
May 2nd Prospect Park
Leader : Tom Stephenson
We had 21 people at one point and incredible bird activity until 3 or so.
We ended up with 22 sp of warblers and 5 sp of vireo..
Here's the list. Let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great trip!
Best regards,
Great Blue Heron
Canada Goose
Wood Duck 2 in tree in midwood
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Kingbird
White-eyed Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Veery 12+
Hermit Thrush 10+
Wood Thrush 6+
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Blue-winged Warbler 4
Nashville Warbler 12+
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler 3
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler 2
Prairie Warbler
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Worm-eating Warbler 2 Midwood and Nethermeade Bridge area
Northern Waterthrush 8+
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler 1 Lower Midwood
Wilson's Warbler 1 Quaker Cemetery
Canada Warbler 1 Lower Midwood
Scarlet Tanager 10+
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 10+
Indigo Bunting 1 Quaker Cemetery
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole 4+
Baltimore Oriole 12+
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
We had 21 people at one point and incredible bird activity until 3 or so.
We ended up with 22 sp of warblers and 5 sp of vireo..
Here's the list. Let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great trip!
Best regards,
Great Blue Heron
Canada Goose
Wood Duck 2 in tree in midwood
Ring-necked Duck
Red-tailed Hawk
Laughing Gull
Rock Dove
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Eastern Kingbird
White-eyed Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
American Crow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Veery 12+
Hermit Thrush 10+
Wood Thrush 6+
American Robin
Gray Catbird
European Starling
Blue-winged Warbler 4
Nashville Warbler 12+
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler 3
Magnolia Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler 2
Prairie Warbler
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
American Redstart
Worm-eating Warbler 2 Midwood and Nethermeade Bridge area
Northern Waterthrush 8+
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler 1 Lower Midwood
Wilson's Warbler 1 Quaker Cemetery
Canada Warbler 1 Lower Midwood
Scarlet Tanager 10+
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 10+
Indigo Bunting 1 Quaker Cemetery
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole 4+
Baltimore Oriole 12+
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 28th Tuesday BBC walk
Leader : Mary Eyster
Mary and 11 BBC Trip participants
April 28, 2009
Today was the first walk of the BBC Centennial Spring weekday walks. We left from Bartel Pritchard with 10 birders. Two more caught up along the way. The park wasn't as active today as on Sunday (or at least the southern part wasn't). But several of us added a few new species to our year list. With the shift in the winds and weather, Thursday's Prospect walk, leaving from GAP at 7, could be really good. I apologize for the random order of the list. My usual listing tool has crashed!
Double-crested Cormorant
Black-crowned Night Heron
Mute Swan
Canada Goose
Blue Jay
American Crow
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Black-capped Chickadee
Red-tailed Hawk
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
House Wren
Carolina Wren (heard, not seen)
Baltimore Oriole
Orchard Oriole
Monk Parakeet
Northern Mockingbird
Gray Catbird
American Robin
Wood Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Northern Parula
Black and White Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow Warbler (heard, not seen)
Prairie Warbler (heard, not seen)
Common Yellowthroat (heard, not seen)
White-throated Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Eastern Towhee
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Mary and 11 BBC Trip participants
April 28, 2009
Today was the first walk of the BBC Centennial Spring weekday walks. We left from Bartel Pritchard with 10 birders. Two more caught up along the way. The park wasn't as active today as on Sunday (or at least the southern part wasn't). But several of us added a few new species to our year list. With the shift in the winds and weather, Thursday's Prospect walk, leaving from GAP at 7, could be really good. I apologize for the random order of the list. My usual listing tool has crashed!
Double-crested Cormorant
Black-crowned Night Heron
Mute Swan
Canada Goose
Blue Jay
American Crow
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Black-capped Chickadee
Red-tailed Hawk
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
House Wren
Carolina Wren (heard, not seen)
Baltimore Oriole
Orchard Oriole
Monk Parakeet
Northern Mockingbird
Gray Catbird
American Robin
Wood Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Northern Parula
Black and White Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow Warbler (heard, not seen)
Prairie Warbler (heard, not seen)
Common Yellowthroat (heard, not seen)
White-throated Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Eastern Towhee
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 26th Greenwood Cemetery
Leader Paul Keim
( list submitted by Glen Davis)
Brooklyn Bird Club field walk ,Greenwood Cemetery
15 Canada Goose
6 Mallard
3 Double-crested Cormorant
3 Great Egret
2 Red-tailed Hawk
4 Laughing Gull
14 Herring Gull
25 Rock Pigeon
10 Mourning Dove
16 Monk Parakeet
8 Red-bellied Woodpecker
6 Downy Woodpecker
5 Northern Flicker
1 Eastern Kingbird
7 Blue-headed Vireo
1 Warbling Vireo
12 Blue Jay
3 American Crow
1 Tree Swallow
2 Barn Swallow
1 Black-capped Chickadee
2 Tufted Titmouse
4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
6 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
2 Hermit Thrush
40 American Robin
14 Northern Mockingbird
25 European Starling
2 Cedar Waxwing
8 Northern Parula
1 Yellow Warbler
1 Black-throated Blue Warbler
22 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
7 Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Yellow-throated Warbler
1 Pine Warbler
2 Prairie Warbler
10 Palm Warbler
5 Black-and-white Warbler
2 Eastern Towhee
31 Chipping Sparrow
10 White-throated Sparrow
2 Northern Cardinal
1 Rusty Blackbird
15 Common Grackle
6 Brown-headed Cowbird
2 Baltimore Oriole
1 House Finch
1 Pine Siskin
12 American Goldfinch
25 House Sparrow
Total species reported: 51
( list submitted by Glen Davis)
Brooklyn Bird Club field walk ,Greenwood Cemetery
15 Canada Goose
6 Mallard
3 Double-crested Cormorant
3 Great Egret
2 Red-tailed Hawk
4 Laughing Gull
14 Herring Gull
25 Rock Pigeon
10 Mourning Dove
16 Monk Parakeet
8 Red-bellied Woodpecker
6 Downy Woodpecker
5 Northern Flicker
1 Eastern Kingbird
7 Blue-headed Vireo
1 Warbling Vireo
12 Blue Jay
3 American Crow
1 Tree Swallow
2 Barn Swallow
1 Black-capped Chickadee
2 Tufted Titmouse
4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
6 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
2 Hermit Thrush
40 American Robin
14 Northern Mockingbird
25 European Starling
2 Cedar Waxwing
8 Northern Parula
1 Yellow Warbler
1 Black-throated Blue Warbler
22 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
7 Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Yellow-throated Warbler
1 Pine Warbler
2 Prairie Warbler
10 Palm Warbler
5 Black-and-white Warbler
2 Eastern Towhee
31 Chipping Sparrow
10 White-throated Sparrow
2 Northern Cardinal
1 Rusty Blackbird
15 Common Grackle
6 Brown-headed Cowbird
2 Baltimore Oriole
1 House Finch
1 Pine Siskin
12 American Goldfinch
25 House Sparrow
Total species reported: 51
Saturday, April 25, 2009
April 25th Owls Head Park, Bay Ridge
Leader : Peter Dorosh
6 participants
Location: Owls Head Park
Observation date: 4/25/09
Number of species: 51
Double-crested Cormorant X
American Kestrel 1
Merlin 1
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Monk Parakeet 9
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Phoebe X
Blue-headed Vireo 10
Blue Jay X
crow sp. X
Tree Swallow 1
Black-capped Chickadee X
Carolina Wren 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2
Hermit Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 2
Brown Thrasher 1
European Starling X
Blue-winged Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Palm Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler 4
Hooded Warbler 1
Eastern Towhee 2
Chipping Sparrow 45
Field Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 6
Song Sparrow 1
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Orchard Oriole 5 --2 male, 2 female, 1 immature
Baltimore Oriole 1
American Goldfinch 3
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
6 participants
Location: Owls Head Park
Observation date: 4/25/09
Number of species: 51
Double-crested Cormorant X
American Kestrel 1
Merlin 1
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Monk Parakeet 9
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker X
Eastern Phoebe X
Blue-headed Vireo 10
Blue Jay X
crow sp. X
Tree Swallow 1
Black-capped Chickadee X
Carolina Wren 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2
Hermit Thrush X
American Robin X
Gray Catbird 1
Northern Mockingbird 2
Brown Thrasher 1
European Starling X
Blue-winged Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler X
Palm Warbler X
Black-and-white Warbler 4
Hooded Warbler 1
Eastern Towhee 2
Chipping Sparrow 45
Field Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 6
Song Sparrow 1
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Indigo Bunting 1
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Orchard Oriole 5 --2 male, 2 female, 1 immature
Baltimore Oriole 1
American Goldfinch 3
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 19th: Classic Leader Centennial :Drier-Offerman Park to Floyd Bennett Field
Leader: Tom Preston
9 Brooklyn Bird Club members visited Dreier-Offerman Park and Floyd Bennett Field today. We had a good variety of early migrants and a few winter lingerers. Field and Savannah Sparrows were in good numbers at both locations, and there were plenty of both Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned kinglets. Other highlights at Dreier included 6 Glossy Ibis, Sapsucker, f. Hooded Merganser, at least 3 Am. Kestrels, Red-throated Loon, singing Brown Thrasher, 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers 2 Palm Warblers, and an early Chimney Swift seen only by Richard. At Floyd, 3 Blue-winged Teal were on the Return-a-Gift Pond, f. Purple Finch near the Community Gardens, 2 Brown Creepers near Ecology Village,and Ring-necked Pheasant was heard at 2 locations. - Tom
Participants : Janet Schumaker, Richard Zainaldeen, Bob Washburn, Marisa Wohl, John Crisciatelli, Suzanne Ortiz, Edith, Hope and myself.
Location: Dreier-Offerman Park
Observation date: 4/19/09
Number of species: 50
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Gadwall 3
American Black Duck 4
Mallard 2
Bufflehead 4
Hooded Merganser 1
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Red-throated Loon 1
Double-crested Cormorant 4
Glossy Ibis 6
American Kestrel 3
Killdeer 2
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 1 Chimney Swift (seen by Richard Zainaldeen on the way
Belted Kingfisher (seen by Richard while the rest of us were in
Home Depot, picking up free Earth Day lightbulbs!)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker 4
Eastern Phoebe 1
American Crow X
Tree Swallow 5
Barn Swallow 1
Carolina Wren 2
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2
Hermit Thrush 3
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird 2
Brown Thrasher 2
European Starling X
Palm Warbler 2
Field Sparrow 5
Savannah Sparrow 10
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow 1
Dark-eyed Junco 2
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle 4
Boat-tailed Grackle 1
Brown-headed Cowbird 15
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
Location: Floyd Bennett Field
Observation date: 4/19/09
Number of species: 37
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Blue-winged Teal 3
Northern Shoveler 1
Ring-necked Pheasant 2
Great Blue Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron 4
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 2
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 2
Northern Flicker 4
Blue Jay 1
American Crow 2
Fish Crow 1
Tree Swallow 8
Brown Creeper 2
Carolina Wren 2
Golden-crowned Kinglet 12
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4
Hermit Thrush 2
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird 3
European Starling X
Chipping Sparrow 12
Field Sparrow 6
Savannah Sparrow 5
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow 4
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Brown-headed Cowbird 24
Purple Finch 1
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
9 Brooklyn Bird Club members visited Dreier-Offerman Park and Floyd Bennett Field today. We had a good variety of early migrants and a few winter lingerers. Field and Savannah Sparrows were in good numbers at both locations, and there were plenty of both Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned kinglets. Other highlights at Dreier included 6 Glossy Ibis, Sapsucker, f. Hooded Merganser, at least 3 Am. Kestrels, Red-throated Loon, singing Brown Thrasher, 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers 2 Palm Warblers, and an early Chimney Swift seen only by Richard. At Floyd, 3 Blue-winged Teal were on the Return-a-Gift Pond, f. Purple Finch near the Community Gardens, 2 Brown Creepers near Ecology Village,and Ring-necked Pheasant was heard at 2 locations. - Tom
Participants : Janet Schumaker, Richard Zainaldeen, Bob Washburn, Marisa Wohl, John Crisciatelli, Suzanne Ortiz, Edith, Hope and myself.
Location: Dreier-Offerman Park
Observation date: 4/19/09
Number of species: 50
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Gadwall 3
American Black Duck 4
Mallard 2
Bufflehead 4
Hooded Merganser 1
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Red-throated Loon 1
Double-crested Cormorant 4
Glossy Ibis 6
American Kestrel 3
Killdeer 2
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 1 Chimney Swift (seen by Richard Zainaldeen on the way
Belted Kingfisher (seen by Richard while the rest of us were in
Home Depot, picking up free Earth Day lightbulbs!)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker 4
Eastern Phoebe 1
American Crow X
Tree Swallow 5
Barn Swallow 1
Carolina Wren 2
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2
Hermit Thrush 3
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird 2
Brown Thrasher 2
European Starling X
Palm Warbler 2
Field Sparrow 5
Savannah Sparrow 10
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow 1
Dark-eyed Junco 2
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle 4
Boat-tailed Grackle 1
Brown-headed Cowbird 15
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
Location: Floyd Bennett Field
Observation date: 4/19/09
Number of species: 37
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Blue-winged Teal 3
Northern Shoveler 1
Ring-necked Pheasant 2
Great Blue Heron 2
Black-crowned Night-Heron 4
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Killdeer 2
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove 2
Northern Flicker 4
Blue Jay 1
American Crow 2
Fish Crow 1
Tree Swallow 8
Brown Creeper 2
Carolina Wren 2
Golden-crowned Kinglet 12
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4
Hermit Thrush 2
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird 3
European Starling X
Chipping Sparrow 12
Field Sparrow 6
Savannah Sparrow 5
Song Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow 4
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Brown-headed Cowbird 24
Purple Finch 1
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow X
April 18th Prospect Park meeting places tour
Leader: Peter Dorosh
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 4/18/09
Number of species: 46
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 2 west isl
Wood Duck 1 drake lower pool
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 8 lake
Ruddy Duck X lake
Common Loon 2 flyover Tennis House
American Bittern 1 Ravine,high in Sweetgum overlooking Ambergill (Stanley Greenberg first obs, Tom Stpehenson, Scott Whittle + Multiple Observers)
Red-tailed Hawk 4; 2 ravine, one Nellies lawn, other flyover
American Coot 7 lake
Laughing Gull 3 lake
Ring-billed Gull 1
Herring Gull 30
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2 one Midwood, one ValeCash
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 10 various spots
Eastern Phoebe 1 Tennis House
Blue Jay 5
Black-capped Chickadee 2 Vale Cashmere
Tufted Titmouse 2
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 Picnic House
Brown Creeper 1 Vale Cashmere
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1 Litchfield Villa
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 Ravine
Hermit Thrush 5 several spots
American Robin X
European Starling X
Yellow-rumped Warbler 3
Pine Warbler 8
Palm Warbler 9
Louisiana Waterthrush 1 Binnen Pool ,later Binnen Creek Dreger group
Eastern Towhee 2 one ValeCash
Song Sparrow 1 Vale
White-throated Sparrow 10
Dark-eyed Junco 6 Garage lawn
Northern Cardinal 3
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
American Goldfinch 5
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 4/18/09
Number of species: 46
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 2 west isl
Wood Duck 1 drake lower pool
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler 8 lake
Ruddy Duck X lake
Common Loon 2 flyover Tennis House
American Bittern 1 Ravine,high in Sweetgum overlooking Ambergill (Stanley Greenberg first obs, Tom Stpehenson, Scott Whittle + Multiple Observers)
Red-tailed Hawk 4; 2 ravine, one Nellies lawn, other flyover
American Coot 7 lake
Laughing Gull 3 lake
Ring-billed Gull 1
Herring Gull 30
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2 one Midwood, one ValeCash
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 10 various spots
Eastern Phoebe 1 Tennis House
Blue Jay 5
Black-capped Chickadee 2 Vale Cashmere
Tufted Titmouse 2
White-breasted Nuthatch 1 Picnic House
Brown Creeper 1 Vale Cashmere
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1 Litchfield Villa
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 Ravine
Hermit Thrush 5 several spots
American Robin X
European Starling X
Yellow-rumped Warbler 3
Pine Warbler 8
Palm Warbler 9
Louisiana Waterthrush 1 Binnen Pool ,later Binnen Creek Dreger group
Eastern Towhee 2 one ValeCash
Song Sparrow 1 Vale
White-throated Sparrow 10
Dark-eyed Junco 6 Garage lawn
Northern Cardinal 3
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
American Goldfinch 5
House Sparrow X
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Floyd Bennett Woodcock Trip
Leader : Paul Keim
Double-crested Cormorant,
Great Cormorant,
Horned Grebe,
Mute Swan,
Canada Goose,
American Oyster Catcher,
Greater Scaup,
Red-breasted Merganser,
Ring-billed Gull,
Herring Gull,
Great-black-backed Gull,
Black-crowned Night Heron,
American Crow,
Northern Flicker,
American Robin,
Red-winged Blackbirds,
Brown Cowbirds,
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,
Eastern Phoebe,
American Kestrel,
Peregrine Falcon,
BARN OWL, at dusk flying,
White-throated Sparrow,
Song Sparrow,
Rock Pigeon,
House Sparrow,
European Starling
Double-crested Cormorant,
Great Cormorant,
Horned Grebe,
Mute Swan,
Canada Goose,
American Oyster Catcher,
Greater Scaup,
Red-breasted Merganser,
Ring-billed Gull,
Herring Gull,
Great-black-backed Gull,
Black-crowned Night Heron,
American Crow,
Northern Flicker,
American Robin,
Red-winged Blackbirds,
Brown Cowbirds,
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,
Eastern Phoebe,
American Kestrel,
Peregrine Falcon,
BARN OWL, at dusk flying,
White-throated Sparrow,
Song Sparrow,
Rock Pigeon,
House Sparrow,
European Starling
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
March 29th Prospect Centennial walk
Leader: Jerry Layton
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 3/29/09
Number of species: 33
Canada Goose X
Wood Duck 1
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 6
Great Egret 2
Red-tailed Hawk X
gull sp. X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) X
Eastern Phoebe 1
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Brown Creeper 2
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin X
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1
Fox Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
House Finch 3
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Location: Prospect Park
Observation date: 3/29/09
Number of species: 33
Canada Goose X
Wood Duck 1
Mallard X
Ring-necked Duck 6
Great Egret 2
Red-tailed Hawk X
gull sp. X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) X
Eastern Phoebe 1
Blue Jay X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
White-breasted Nuthatch 1
Brown Creeper 2
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin X
European Starling X
Eastern Towhee 1
Fox Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
House Finch 3
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March 21st, 2009 Brooklyn PotPOURri: Bays, creeks and basins.
Honorary Classic Leader : Peter Dorosh
Location name:Gerritsen CReek, Dead Horse Bay, Jamaica Bay, Paedergat Basin, Fresh Creek, Spring CReekObservation date:
Northern Shoveler
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Long-tailed Duck
Green-winged Teal
Common Goldeneye
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck
Ring-necked Pheasant
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Turkey Vulture
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
American Coot
Lesser Yellowlegs
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Monk Parakeet
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
American Crow
Fish Crow
Horned Lark
Tree Swallow
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
House Sparrow
Total species reported:
Location name:Gerritsen CReek, Dead Horse Bay, Jamaica Bay, Paedergat Basin, Fresh Creek, Spring CReekObservation date:
Northern Shoveler
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Long-tailed Duck
Green-winged Teal
Common Goldeneye
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck
Ring-necked Pheasant
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Turkey Vulture
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
American Coot
Lesser Yellowlegs
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Monk Parakeet
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
American Crow
Fish Crow
Horned Lark
Tree Swallow
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
House Sparrow
Total species reported:
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March 14th,2009 Spring Creek Region
Leader : Steve Nanz
A total of 14 people went on the trip today. We started out at the inlet by Fountain Ave.
Lee (Shelley) was concerned about having too many people at the Pennsylvania Ave Landfill
so we broke into two groups. This worked out fine.
Jerry (Layton) led the group at the landfill and I led the other group and went to Spring Creek
and Big Egg Marsh. We reunited at Fort Tilden for lunch. We went the the fisherman's
parking lot afterward to check out seabirds. Star Saphire was there by herself and
she joined our group. We finished the day by going to Floyd Bennett.
We had a really nice time. Highlights included: Wilson's Snipe and American Pipet at the landfill,
(22) Ruddy Turnstones at Waterfront Tribute Park at Beach 116th St in the Rockaways,
and all three scoters and a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Fort Tilden.
Those who went with Jerry's group were very pleased. The people at the landfill were extremely nice and accommodating.
I made two lists because I know that Lee was interested in what we saw.
Birds seen at Pennsylvania Ave Landfill only:
Horned Grebe - 8
Canada Goose - 50
Brant - 300
Gadwall - 8
American Black Duck - 2
Mallard 20
Northern Shoveler - 30
Green-winged Teal - 12
Greater Scaup - 40
Bufflehead - 40
Red-breasted Merganser - 30
Northern Harrier - 2
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
American Kestrel - 1
Merlin - 1
Killdeer - 4
Wilson's Snipe - 1
Ring-billed Gull - 40
Herring Gull - 60
Great Black-backed Gull - 15
Downy Woodpecker - 1
American Crow - 30
Fish Crow - 1
American Robin - 8
Northern Mockingbird - 1
European Starling - 50
American Pipit - 14
Song Sparrow - 15
Red-winged Blackbird - 8
Common Grackle - 3
Birds seen at all locations (Inlet at Fountain Ave, Pennsylvania Ave Landfill,
Spring Creek, Big Egg Marsh, Fort Tilden, and Floyd Bennett):
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Horned Grebe
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Snow Goose
Canada Goose
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Greater Scaup
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Ring-necked Pheasant
American Oystercatcher
Ruddy Turnstone
Wilson's Snipe
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow
Horned Lark
Carolina Wren
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
American Pipit
American Tree Sparrow
Seaside Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
House Sparrow=
A total of 14 people went on the trip today. We started out at the inlet by Fountain Ave.
Lee (Shelley) was concerned about having too many people at the Pennsylvania Ave Landfill
so we broke into two groups. This worked out fine.
Jerry (Layton) led the group at the landfill and I led the other group and went to Spring Creek
and Big Egg Marsh. We reunited at Fort Tilden for lunch. We went the the fisherman's
parking lot afterward to check out seabirds. Star Saphire was there by herself and
she joined our group. We finished the day by going to Floyd Bennett.
We had a really nice time. Highlights included: Wilson's Snipe and American Pipet at the landfill,
(22) Ruddy Turnstones at Waterfront Tribute Park at Beach 116th St in the Rockaways,
and all three scoters and a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Fort Tilden.
Those who went with Jerry's group were very pleased. The people at the landfill were extremely nice and accommodating.
I made two lists because I know that Lee was interested in what we saw.
Birds seen at Pennsylvania Ave Landfill only:
Horned Grebe - 8
Canada Goose - 50
Brant - 300
Gadwall - 8
American Black Duck - 2
Mallard 20
Northern Shoveler - 30
Green-winged Teal - 12
Greater Scaup - 40
Bufflehead - 40
Red-breasted Merganser - 30
Northern Harrier - 2
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
American Kestrel - 1
Merlin - 1
Killdeer - 4
Wilson's Snipe - 1
Ring-billed Gull - 40
Herring Gull - 60
Great Black-backed Gull - 15
Downy Woodpecker - 1
American Crow - 30
Fish Crow - 1
American Robin - 8
Northern Mockingbird - 1
European Starling - 50
American Pipit - 14
Song Sparrow - 15
Red-winged Blackbird - 8
Common Grackle - 3
Birds seen at all locations (Inlet at Fountain Ave, Pennsylvania Ave Landfill,
Spring Creek, Big Egg Marsh, Fort Tilden, and Floyd Bennett):
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Horned Grebe
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Snow Goose
Canada Goose
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Greater Scaup
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Ring-necked Pheasant
American Oystercatcher
Ruddy Turnstone
Wilson's Snipe
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow
Horned Lark
Carolina Wren
American Robin
Northern Mockingbird
European Starling
American Pipit
American Tree Sparrow
Seaside Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Boat-tailed Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
House Sparrow=
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
March 8th Quaker Run-Scott Whittle
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Quacker Quest Report
I led the 2009 Quacker Quest in Kings County today. Six of us birded Prospect Park, Gravesend Bay, Drier Offerman, Marine Park, Floyd Bennet Field, and finally Jamaica Bay. We had a total of 71 species...highlights were 2 Purple Finches, 2 Green Winged Teal, 8 Wood Ducks and a Merlin at Prospect Park, 9 Purple Sandpipers, a Great Cormorant and 2 Red-Necked Grebes at Gravesends Bay, a Redhead and 3 Greater Yellowlegs at Marine Park, and a single Northern Pintail at Jamaica Bay. We missed the Barrows and Ross's at Jamaica, and the Killdeer I'd seen yesterday at Drier, but we enjoyed the great weather and the great birding in Brooklyn!
Species List:
Snow Goose X
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck 8
Gadwall X
American Wigeon X
American Black Duck X
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Northern Pintail 1
Green-winged Teal (American) 16
Redhead 1
Ring-necked Duck 8
Greater Scaup 400
Lesser Scaup 30
Bufflehead X
Common Goldeneye 25
Hooded Merganser X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Ruddy Duck X
Red-throated Loon X
Common Loon X
Pied-billed Grebe 2
Horned Grebe X
Red-necked Grebe 2
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Cormorant 3
Great Blue Heron X
Northern Harrier X
Cooper's Hawk X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Merlin X
American Coot X
Greater Yellowlegs 3
Purple Sandpiper 9
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
crow sp. X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Brown Creeper X
Carolina Wren X
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) X
Eastern Towhee 2
Fox Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Boat-tailed Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Purple Finch X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Posted by Scott Whittle at 10:03 PM
Quacker Quest Report
I led the 2009 Quacker Quest in Kings County today. Six of us birded Prospect Park, Gravesend Bay, Drier Offerman, Marine Park, Floyd Bennet Field, and finally Jamaica Bay. We had a total of 71 species...highlights were 2 Purple Finches, 2 Green Winged Teal, 8 Wood Ducks and a Merlin at Prospect Park, 9 Purple Sandpipers, a Great Cormorant and 2 Red-Necked Grebes at Gravesends Bay, a Redhead and 3 Greater Yellowlegs at Marine Park, and a single Northern Pintail at Jamaica Bay. We missed the Barrows and Ross's at Jamaica, and the Killdeer I'd seen yesterday at Drier, but we enjoyed the great weather and the great birding in Brooklyn!
Species List:
Snow Goose X
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Wood Duck 8
Gadwall X
American Wigeon X
American Black Duck X
American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) X
Mallard X
Northern Shoveler X
Northern Pintail 1
Green-winged Teal (American) 16
Redhead 1
Ring-necked Duck 8
Greater Scaup 400
Lesser Scaup 30
Bufflehead X
Common Goldeneye 25
Hooded Merganser X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Ruddy Duck X
Red-throated Loon X
Common Loon X
Pied-billed Grebe 2
Horned Grebe X
Red-necked Grebe 2
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Cormorant 3
Great Blue Heron X
Northern Harrier X
Cooper's Hawk X
Red-tailed Hawk X
Merlin X
American Coot X
Greater Yellowlegs 3
Purple Sandpiper 9
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Red-bellied Woodpecker X
Downy Woodpecker X
Northern Flicker X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
crow sp. X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse X
Red-breasted Nuthatch X
White-breasted Nuthatch X
Brown Creeper X
Carolina Wren X
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird X
European Starling X
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) X
Eastern Towhee 2
Fox Sparrow X
Song Sparrow X
Swamp Sparrow X
White-throated Sparrow X
Dark-eyed Junco X
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Boat-tailed Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird X
Purple Finch X
House Finch X
American Goldfinch X
House Sparrow X
Posted by Scott Whittle at 10:03 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
Brooklyn Botanic Garden : Brooklyn Centennial profile
Leader : Peter Dorosh
walk started at 10 am. 9 participants
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Observation date: 2/28/09
Number of species: 19
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin 1
European Starling X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
walk started at 10 am. 9 participants
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Observation date: 2/28/09
Number of species: 19
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Rock Pigeon X
Mourning Dove X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker X
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Black-capped Chickadee X
Tufted Titmouse 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin 1
European Starling X
White-throated Sparrow X
Northern Cardinal X
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